AB w/ Qualifying time looking to take accredited courses to obtain 3rd mates lisence

I Am hoping to find someone with knowledge about where I can take the required USCG 3rd mate courses other than the Academies. I have more than the required sea time, I have recommendation letters from the appropriate officers, I know I can go to MITAGS but the cost is a bit much for me. What are the alternative schools I can go to where I may not have to pay as much?


Off the top of my head you have PMI in Seattle, GMATS in New York (see the ad on most of the pages here), or MPT in Florida. I doubt that the cost will be much different than what you are already looking at and in some cases more when you factor in the cost of transportation, lodging and meals. Some of the “lower” level courses can be taken elsewhere such as Sea School but not many. Wish I could provide more insight on the subject for you. I took similar courses at GMATS for a 1600 ton license but because of my sea time qualified for, and obtained, my 3rd Mate license. My license is limited to 2,000 GRT, but it’s still a 3rd Mate license. I didn’t pay for the courses however, my employer did. Good program and they teach you the subject matter, not just how to pass the exam.

MEBA’s Calhoon School in Easton, MD has some deck classes.

Quality Maritime Training has an A/B to mate program. I like Florida, the economy is down so things are cheaper and the beaches are nice. Bring the family along if applicable, and you have a working vacation. Quality and MPT both have good programs I think. But just like everything else, it is what you make it.

Google AB to mate program and you should find a few other schools. Good luck.

quality marine clearwater florida qualitymarine.com
MPT fort lauderdale florida mptusa.com
Mid atlantic virginia beach mamatrains.com
houston new orleans houstonmarine.com

I am sure there are others the google search is a good on AB to MATE PROGRAM

I would try captains nautical in Seattle or PMI in Seattle

I personally prefer Mid-Atlantic for everything. They are an academy strictly for the Hawspiper and they work with you to get classes set up for schedule that will better fit you.

QMT-Quality Maritime Training. They are the only school I know of that runs 7 days a week. For some mariners…that is a HUGE PLUS. I took all but 4 of the required OICNW courses there. George Trowbridge is the best in the industry. Go there if you are serious about your training. He is a retired Master Chief Quartermaster…US Navy. That has to tell you something. This guy is strait up legit.

Why don’t you just get a job at ECO and let them send you through their in-house school for free?

Where you go to school it depends upon where you live and where you want to spend your time off. The community colleges in Louisiana (Young Memorial and Fletcher) are good and very cheap. Clatsop in Oregon is inexpensive too. There are many other options.

Its hard to beat Crawford’s in Seattle.