does anyone know of any schools that offer the ab to 3rd mate program, i am currently sailing ab and i am about to get my 1080 days of sea time…i have researched pmi and mitags i want to know about other schools out there that have coast guard approved assessments and courses…thank you so much for any and all suggestions…
Tidewater School of Navigation (also called Mid-Atlantic Maritime) in Virginia Beach, VA. Many of the AB’s at MSC go to classes there when they are going for their Third Mate ticket. I have taken many classes with them and have been very happy with their operation and quality of instructers.
quality maritime training in st. petersburg florida is also now offering a program. if you have any further questions about MITAGS i just finished with them last month let me know.
PMI in Seattle offers all the AB to Mate courses, too.
Crawfords in seattle has a 6 week course to third mate hands on instruction not just throw books at you or put you in front of a computer has a good program for studing too
Crawford has a fantastic license prep offering, but as far as I know they don’t do all the OICNW courses.
I really appreciate everyone’s advice and help, this is a great forum and tool for all mariners…It’s kind of tough to get people to want to help someone go from unlicensed to licensed. I’ve had people just explain how tough it is and not to even bother if i’m not going through an academy, very discouraging sometimes…Once again thank you all and good sailing
Pick up a copy of Leonard Lambert’s “The New Hawsepipe” if you don’t have it yet. It will be a huge help to you.