I’m in the PMI AB to mate program and will be done on friday I have 90 days on unlimited GT inland vessels in SE Alaska waters, is that time any good for my 3rd mate I have the rest should I go back to work for 90 days?
Hey Ian, congrats on getting all of that behind you…Tell the rest of the guys I said hi, thanks…K
The link is to the check list, for 3rd…it looks like ocean and N/Coastal time buddy…
Policy Letter 01/02 refers to the CFR’s…Not quite as clear as the checklist…
a) The minimum service or training required to qualify an applicant for an endorsement as third mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons is:
(1) Three years of service in the deck department on ocean steam or motor vessels, six months of which shall have been as able seaman, boatswain, or quartermaster, while holding a certificate or endorsement as able seaman. Experience gained in the engine department on vessels of appropriate tonnage may be creditable for up to three months of the service requirements for this officer endorsement; or,
(2) Graduation from:
(i) The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (deck curriculum);
(ii) The U.S. Coast Guard Academy and qualification as an underway officer in charge of a navigational watch;
(iii) The U.S. Naval Academy and qualification as an underway officer in charge of a navigational watch; or,
(iv) The deck class of a maritime academy approved by and conducted under rules prescribed by the Maritime Administrator and listed in part 310 of this title, including the ocean option program in the deck class of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy; or,
(3) Satisfactory completion of a three year apprentice mate training program approved by the Commandant.
(b) Graduation from the deck class of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy with no ocean sea service will qualify the graduate to be examined for an endorsement as third mate near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
© While holding a license or MMC endorsement as master of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 1,600 gross tons, one year of service as master on vessels of over 200 gross tons operating on ocean or near coastal waters will qualify the applicant for an endorsement as third mate of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
Cool thanks K nothing is in black and white with these guys the REC told me it would count but you never know with them just putting my feelers out were ever I can.
[QUOTE=Ianmmd;49989]I’m in the PMI AB to mate program and will be done on friday I have 90 days on unlimited GT inland vessels in SE Alaska waters, is that time any good for my 3rd mate I have the rest should I go back to work for 90 days?[/QUOTE]
It can be used for 3rd Mate, but not for STCW, or at least not for STCW in conjunction wuth your PMI p[rogram.
STCW has 2 ways to qualify for Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (OICNW). EITHER 3 years of sea time, or completion of an approved program. The PMI program gets there by the latter, so time outside of the PMI program can’t be used. However, if you use the PMI program to get STCW OICNW and Mate 500, then you already have OICNW and this wouldn’t apply. You can use that old time to go from Mate 500 to 3rd Mate.
To avoid any confusion.
.Ian is enrolled in the 6 month AB to Mate Program…Not the 2 year Work Boat Program that does have sea time …
Ian I looked around in Policy Letter 01/02 again and it says that you must meet the sea time requirements for both the CG and STCW requirements and there are various CFR’s listed…I’ll post a link for you and you can do some research…
The successful mariner is the knowledgeable mariner…
This is the checklist for Mate 500/1600 , notice how the sea time is spelled out …
Here’s a link to the CFR’s , you may want to book mark these if you haven’t already …Also policy letter 01/02, it’s fascinating reading … Mike, has a pretty good handle on this, maybe you guys to get together and go over this stuff…good luck
Ya I will K I was just head back to work for 90 days. Also get in touch with Andy I’ll look at thoughs links maybe they will answer so ?
Ya it’s just 90 days give me time to study
“STCW has 2 ways to qualify for Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (OICNW). EITHER 3 years of sea time, or completion of an approved program. The PMI program gets there by the latter, so time outside of the PMI program can’t be used. However, if you use the PMI program to get STCW OICNW and Mate 500, then you already have OICNW and this wouldn’t apply. You can use that old time to go from Mate 500 to 3rd Mate”
Chief Cavo, can you clarify for us if someone qualifies for third Mate by sea time as a Master 1600 Oceans, are the operational classes still required,or only the testing and assessments?
Thanks for your help…