I already have a Bachelors degree in Science. And have been out of school for a few years. I have been trying to break into the maritime transportation business but no luck so far with the weak economy.
I have experience working on commercial fishing boats as a deckhand and as a fisheries observer.
I am currently applying to the the Maritime schools in new england.
BUT, I already have a Bachelors degree and the AB to Mate program looks good also. Less time in school and cheaper. Any one else have my dilemma?
Your situation is very similar to mine. I to have a bachelors degree (graduated 2008) and have been trying to get my foot in the door offshore for two years now, currently I work for Ingram Barge as a deckhand. I considered applying to SUNY Maritime which has a good marine transportation masters program. Its a three year program, after graduating you’ll have 3rd mate Unlimited license. Although a great option between tuition, living expenses, ect. it was just to much money. Enter MITAGS/PMI, I have recently applied and interviewed at MITAGS for their workboat mate program. Its a two year program of formal schooling and sea time. IF i get accepted and go on to graduate I could have a 1600 ton Mate Oceans licenses then upgrade to master 1600 after a year. The program is much cheaper than SUNY and other maritime academies. When I toured the MITAGS facility (actually just last week) in baltimore I was very impressed with their facility, all up to date technologies, professional instructors, and some very nice simulators. I have seen their AB to Mate program on their website havent looked to much into it but I can tell you that after meeting the administrators their a top notch organization. Good luck man, nice to hear from people in a similar situation .
Thanks for the reply. The MITAGS/PMI workboat mates program sounds appealing. The class sizes look small also. I am guessing it is pretty competitive to get into this program.
Yes, If I sailed on a vessel of appropriate tonnage I would have 1600 mate ocean, after graduating I would test at coast guard for that license, work 360 days, then I could upgrade to master as stated by NMC.
[QUOTE=Bcooksey;46143]Yes, If I sailed on a vessel of appropriate tonnage I would have 1600 mate ocean, after graduating I would test at coast guard for that license, work 360 days, then I could upgrade to master as stated by NMC.[/QUOTE]
[B][I]If[/I][/B] you sail as mate as soon as you get your license, then sure you’d qualify to apply to test for 1600 master after 360 eight hour sea days. I just hope you don’t expect to sail master after a sea-time-year as a mate. You won’t be close to ready for that job.
Many graduates (academy as well as MITAGS-PMI) initially sail as AB. Which I personally and professionally advise to any newly certificated deck officer. That’s one of the advantages of MITAGS-PMI’s programs, in that you spend your sea phases working as a deckhand. Academy grads are at a disadvantage in comparison. [B][I]Nothing[/I][/B] prepares you for a wheelhouse position like spending a few years on deck, especially in the <1600 ton world.
MITAGS-PMI entry is competitive indeed. It is a good program and they work together with the sponsor companies to select admissible cadets.
I know that PMI/MITAGS is a program that is CG approved for mates and allows for less sea time by being a participant…But how does it have anything to do with the required 1440 days for Master 1600?
MASTER 1600 46 CFR
1440 days of service on Ocean or Near Coastal waters, OF WHICH: 11.412
Service on Great Lakes & Inland waters MAY substitute for up to 720
days of the required service, AND
720 days of service on vessels over 100 GRT, AND
720 days of service MUST have been as a master, mate; master or
mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or equivalent supervisory position
while holding an endorsement as master, mate, master or mate (pilot)
of towing vessels, AND
360 days of the service as Master, Mate, or equivalent supervisory
position, must have been on vessels over 100 GRT; OR
A Chief Mate or 2
Mate Oceans/NC of 1600 GRT or more, is eligible for
this endorsement upon completion of a limited examination.
I agree sailing as a deckhand and AB is crucial, I think everyone should deck for at least a year or two. And I do not expect to run master after a year as mate not by a long shot
[QUOTE=Shellback;46154]I know that PMI/MITAGS is a program that is CG approved for mates and allows for less sea time by being a participant…But how does it have anything to do with the required 1440 days for Master 1600?
MASTER 1600 46 CFR
1440 days of service on Ocean or Near Coastal waters, OF WHICH: 11.412
Service on Great Lakes & Inland waters MAY substitute for up to 720
days of the required service, AND
720 days of service on vessels over 100 GRT, AND
720 days of service MUST have been as a master, mate; master or
mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or equivalent supervisory position
while holding an endorsement as master, mate, master or mate (pilot)
of towing vessels, AND
360 days of the service as Master, Mate, or equivalent supervisory
position, must have been on vessels over 100 GRT; OR
A Chief Mate or 2
Mate Oceans/NC of 1600 GRT or more, is eligible for
this endorsement upon completion of a limited examination.