Review: Basic and Advanced Firefighting for 500-ton upgrade/AB

Just finished Basic/Advanced Firefighting at LE Fletcher in Houma. As with my previous experience at this school, good course. We had a smallish class (8 – and all the others were rig hands, I was the only mariner) and the instructors struggled to stretch it to the required 40 hours.

Instructors were all professional firefighters (also certified firefighting instructors) and a couple had actual shipboard experience. Lots of good props in the classroom, good equipment (charged extinguishers, foam, nozzles, turnout gear, SCBAs).

There were a few bum videos (including one by the Coast Guard from, I’m guessing, 1952), but that’s what smart phones are for, I guess.

This is not a “gimme” class, but there is ample opportunity for self-study, review of tricky questions, and “do overs” if someone doesn’t get it the first time.

I stayed at Days Inn in Morgan City (follow-on class this week at Young Memorial, and I’m too lazy to change hotels). For 3+ days, rate is $47/night with breakfast starting at 0500. 45 minutes to the school.

On the first day of class, report to the building at the back of the campus at 0700 – park there too. Wear anything you like (shorts/flip flops) the first three days, long pants/sleeves and socks the final two days. Cost is $555.

Lagniappe: Photos!