Renewing DP

I herd soon you will have to renew your DP cert.

They are good for 5 years. If you have certificate without an experition date on it the N.I. will send you a letter with your new expiration date.

That’s new. I’ve had my unlimited certificate since 2007 and haven’t got anything from the NI.

I think it will be 5 years from Jan 1 2012 when the IMO forced the rule change?

It is a very good idea to give a limit to the DP.

I also have a unlimited DP certificate without an expectation date and never received anything from NI.
I love it when they change the rules and never tell you about it,
I’m going to ride mine until retirement screw them.

[QUOTE=Captainmugsy;107973]I also have a unlimited DP certificate without an expectation date and never received anything from NI.
I love it when they change the rules and never tell you about it,
I’m going to ride mine until retirement screw them.[/QUOTE]
Its the IMO they are forcing every ticket to have an expiry if it wants international recognition

Starting January 2014 they will start sending all previous certificate holders a expiration date for their certificate. Anyone applying now will have a expiration date on their certificate. This started in January 2012.

I just read on NI site that new certs have ‘
[B][FONT=Calibri-Bold]Valid for use in accordance with the privileges of the holder’s Certificate of[/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Calibri-Bold][/FONT][/B][FONT=Calibri-Bold][/FONT]written on the back, how does this work if you cant renew a COC because you havent been on a sea going vessel or does DP work allow Deck Officers to revalidate?

Its there to say if you only have a limited CoC like 3000t then you can only be a DPO on a 3000t vessel

[QUOTE=“powerabout;115865”]Its there to say if you only have a limited CoC like 3000t then you can only be a DPO on a 3000t vessel[/QUOTE]

According to the NI website, a DP certificate is only good for the tonnage limit on the license, for those with limited licenses.

So how can there be DP operators with no licenses???

They got grandfathered in?

[QUOTE=skycowboy;115880]So how can there be DP operators with no licenses???[/QUOTE]
easy, who says you have to have a DP license to operate a DP vessel???

The guy that writes the contract

[QUOTE=simonmcmullon;115268]I just read on NI site that new certs have ‘
[B][FONT=Calibri-Bold]Valid for use in accordance with the privileges of the holder’s Certificate of[/FONT][/B]
[/B]written on the back, how does this work if you cant renew a COC because you havent been on a sea going vessel or does DP work allow Deck Officers to revalidate?[/QUOTE]

I looked into this as an Engineer and if I dont work as an Enginer I would lose both DP licence and COC. so have to spend 6 months out of every 5 years sea going.