Anybody here use 32 points Manning for job search? Are they good to work with? They seem to ask for a lot of information up front. Please and thank you.
What position and what kind of job you looking for?
If you have experience, there isn’t any reason to use a recruiter these days especially if they charge the mariner…i think 32 pts charges the mariner sometimes, sometimes the employer pays them. I’ve heard mixed accounts. When I talked to them over 10 years ago when things were slow and i didn’t have many options, they charged the mariner. Some say its changed.
Even entry level guys are in demand right now.
Just to clarify: 32 Points Manning never charges the mariner. I was introduced to the buesiness the hard way. I worked for one of those POA contract charge the mariner his left arm outfits, did not understand much about the business side of things until one of my placements called me to tell me…well, he cursed for about 30 minutes. But, I didn’t do like my boss said and hang up. I listened, and I learned, that was 2010…and I fought to try to change things, but it didn’t work…over a decade later I have my own company with a unique business model. And, I hired the dude that yelled at me for 30 minutes (turns out chief engineers don’t like being put on a MUD boat unless they are expecting it. Thus, began my true education in learning the many different facets of the industry that I thought I knew) We are direct placement (most of our jobs are permanent). We do not charge the mariner. We charge the company a realistic small, one time fee for placement with no buyouts to trap them into reusing our service. The database of mariners decides what kind of jobs we go find for you… Look, you guys are smart enough to get your own jobs, but some of you want a company like us to go find and dig through everything out there so you don’t have to gladhand HR folks while youre home off your hitch. Or you want something specific. We aren’t super fast, but we keep working at what you want. No cost and transparent. And, we try our best to make sure the mariners are actually vetted and the comapnies too. You’ll always have a bad apple slip through no matter how diliogent you are be it a deckhand or a manager, but we deal with everything by facing it as it comes. I won’t be a millionaire, but I’ll be comfortable and still have the ability to sleep at night. That’s pretty much it.
I’m not personally looking, but seeing this, I will pass on your info to folks that might be. Thanks for operating legally and for not taking advantage of mariners.
I’m not sure how exactly that one crewing “agency” has managed to win their court cases time and again, but they absolutely disgust me for their utter disregard of the law.
Money makes people crazy.
And, thank you for that.
I haven’t personally used 32 points Manning for job hunting, but I’ve heard mixed reviews. Some say they’re thorough but require a lot of info upfront, while others find them helpful. It might be worth checking out their reviews online or asking around.When dealing with recruiters, especially in the maritime industry, it’s common for them to ask for a lot of information upfront. This helps them match you with the right opportunities more efficiently. If you’re comfortable with providing the information, it could lead to better job matches.Good luck with your job search! Also, if you’re looking for more maritime recruiters, has a great list that might be helpful.
32 Points Manning has a strong bayou flavor to it. It seems to act and have an attitude more like a bayou employer, than a typical recruiter which acts more like a broker.
32 Points Manning does ask for far too much personal information that you would normally only give to a company HR department AFTER you have received a firm written offer, contingent upon vetting.
It seems to me like most 32 Points jobs pay $100 or more a day less than what I think is the going rate is. Some jobs seem to pay closer to half of what I think they should be. A few 32 Points job listings do offer very good money. I wonder how many of those job listings 32 Point actually fills, instead of being filled by the employer’s in-house recruiting or other recruiters.
In the current maritime job market, employers need recruiters to help them crew their boats, but mariners certainly do not need recruiters.