Question for Mr. Cavo

It came up in a conversation with a recent Kings Point Graduate that they were allowed to use their own copy of APN Vol II 1981 when sitting for their exams. He says that they are allowed to highlight it and tab it, but may have no written notes inside the book.
I’m interested in doing the same for my upper level exams if this is allowed but it seems in conflict with the exam procedures guide( Guide for Mariners- Merchant Marine Examinations Deck and engineering Guidance July 2011 Sect 2.5 pages 11-13 ).

Is this currently allowed ?

Thanks for your help in shedding any light on this…

It’s only permitted for academies, and only because we don’t have enough copies of our own to distribute to 100+ cadets. But, my understanding was that they could not even tab the book, it had to be completely clean. Since we have enough publications to go around at the RECs, you would not be permitted to use your own.

When I graduated 6 years ago you could tab your bowditch.