:rolleyes:That attitude isn’t going to help you any.
Yes- the economy sucks- but there are jobs out there- if you’re willing to do what it takes to get one. It takes time (sometimes a long time) lots of persistence- and a GOOD ATTITUDE:)
I know captains out of work- but- I also several dozen entry level people (including me) who have been offered work recently. I’m an OS and I have 4 offers for this summer. They are seasonal- but they are offers.
It might not be at the job you want. You might have to travel. You might have to take an entry level position. But there are jobs.
You have an AB unlimited? Get on as a utility galley with NCL.
You’ll be in the SEATU division of SIU. Then make it known that you’re an AB. When an AB jumps ship- you’ll likely be in. Worst case- you’ll be making $700-$800 a week plus room and board.
Other options? ACL (www.aclines.com) on tugs. I’ve seen them hire 20 people at a time (last Summer/Fall)
Qualifications- live locally (or pretend to as I did) clean background, TWIC, pass their reading and agility tests (easy)
Cruisewest will hire you- job Fairs coming up- in Seattle, and Portland. If you have a clean background and the certs you have- go apply.
American Cruise lines will be hiring soon- 2 new ships.
It’s hard work- but there are fishing boats in Alaska and Washington that will be hiring for the summer Season- several of the captains are on here- and I’ve gotten a job and several offers through them.
The Alaska State Ferries are hiring (I heard back from them) for steward- $19 an hour times 84 hours equals about $1900 a week.
Washington State ferries are hiring for OS- Doug Pine and several others on here can give you advice on them.
I personally apply for/follow up on 4-8 jobs daily. Do you? Once you have a system don- you can knock it out in 30 minutes to an hour a day.
Learn the first names of HR people. Ask them if they are hiring for positions you don’t qualify for- then refer people to them.
And have a little faith:)