Question about RFPNW

Hi all,

I’m working on a vessel for the next 9 months that is under 100 but after would like to work on getting my STCW cert. In order to get on some of the larger vessels though it seems you obviously already need to have the STCW. Is it worth it to take a RFPNW course in order to get the Interim and Limited STCW cert? Is it usable as a stopgap while you complete the time for the STCW?



Welcome to the site.

Thats a tough question. When one does the ‘Lookout Duties Only’ (which is what I’m assuming you were talking about) class, they essentially have a year to get the qualifying sea time (180 days) on vessels of appropriate tonnage and route. So, yes, it can be used to get aboard an appropriate vessel, but it can be tricky.

Also, use the search feature here, you’ll find good information regarding RFPNW.

Good luck, and work safe.

Yes it is worth it, go somewhere where they can give you your assessments as well. Mid-Atlantic Maritime is one, there are others, but friends of mine have been to Mid-Atlantic and speak highly of it. You will then be able to sail as an AB, as you will then be able to hold an STCW endorsed RFPNW(limited). It is of course up to the company that hires you as to what they will pay (ask around until you find one that will pay you as an AB, it may not even come up, they might see RFPNW and take it at face value), but the pay difference between OS and AB is roughly $100 per day, I would say certainly worth the effort. If you go this route you will not have to do any onboard assessments, and if you already have proof of 90 days of watchstanding prior to this, you will only have to do an additional 90 days on a vessel over 200 tons to receive an upgrade to full RFPNW. Which is a free upgrade. Good Luck

“…Is it worth it to take a RFPNW course in order to get the Interim and Limited STCW cert…?”


I did this:
Got my AB Special no RFPNW
Did not take the two day school for what ever they promiss
Went to work in GOM oilfild as an AB.
Had my Captain sign off on all RFPNW assessment.
Put my paper work in… ta da.

I was working as an AB gettting AB pay and after 180 days got my RFPNW.


As I said some companies will pay you some won’t, my company will not pay you AB pay without at least an RFPNW limited. $300 school to ensure a $100 higher a day pay rate seems like a no brainer to me.

[QUOTE=Diesel;24195]As I said some companies will pay you some won’t, my company will not pay you AB pay without at least an RFPNW limited. $300 school to ensure a $100 higher a day pay rate seems like a no brainer to me.[/QUOTE]

Did you mean to say, AB Limited, with the endorsement of RFPNW? that would make more sense…

Nah, sorry for the confusion, I meant RFPNW "restricted to lookout duties only"
They will pay you AB with only an AB Special “OSV”, but you must have RFPNW. AB limited with with RFPNW would definately be good.

in this economy it doesn’t matter what you have. I have an AB Unlimited and my STCW is for RFPNW and lifeboatman and i’m still unemployed

:rolleyes:That attitude isn’t going to help you any.

Yes- the economy sucks- but there are jobs out there- if you’re willing to do what it takes to get one. It takes time (sometimes a long time) lots of persistence- and a GOOD ATTITUDE:)

I know captains out of work- but- I also several dozen entry level people (including me) who have been offered work recently. I’m an OS and I have 4 offers for this summer. They are seasonal- but they are offers.

It might not be at the job you want. You might have to travel. You might have to take an entry level position. But there are jobs.

You have an AB unlimited? Get on as a utility galley with NCL.

You’ll be in the SEATU division of SIU. Then make it known that you’re an AB. When an AB jumps ship- you’ll likely be in. Worst case- you’ll be making $700-$800 a week plus room and board.

Other options? ACL ( on tugs. I’ve seen them hire 20 people at a time (last Summer/Fall)

Qualifications- live locally (or pretend to as I did) clean background, TWIC, pass their reading and agility tests (easy)

Cruisewest will hire you- job Fairs coming up- in Seattle, and Portland. If you have a clean background and the certs you have- go apply.

American Cruise lines will be hiring soon- 2 new ships.

It’s hard work- but there are fishing boats in Alaska and Washington that will be hiring for the summer Season- several of the captains are on here- and I’ve gotten a job and several offers through them.

The Alaska State Ferries are hiring (I heard back from them) for steward- $19 an hour times 84 hours equals about $1900 a week.

Washington State ferries are hiring for OS- Doug Pine and several others on here can give you advice on them.

I personally apply for/follow up on 4-8 jobs daily. Do you? Once you have a system don- you can knock it out in 30 minutes to an hour a day.

Learn the first names of HR people. Ask them if they are hiring for positions you don’t qualify for- then refer people to them.

And have a little faith:)


Have you applied at these- currently advertising for AB?{E00946CF-9F2D-45B8-A3A2-03D0A75DCAD8}&LAN=en-US

Also- have you signed up with Kelly Sweeney? I sailed with an AB unlimited he placed on my last ship.

Have you checked the oil spill response companies like MSRC?

Do you have resumes on Monster, Career Builder- etc?

Do you search daily on for keywords relevant to the position you desire?

Do you search daily and have a resume on craigslist (it’s free) in New Orleans, Seattle, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc?

Have you been to an MSC job fair?

If you do all these things daily- you will eventually get work:)

Washington State Ferries is looking for deckhands too.


Have you applied at these- currently advertising for AB?{E00946CF-9F2D-45B8-A3A2-03D0A75DCAD8}&LAN=en-US

Also- have you signed up with Kelly Sweeney? I sailed with an AB unlimited he placed on my last ship.

Have you checked the oil spill response companies like MSRC?

Do you have resumes on Monster, Career Builder- etc?

Do you search daily on for keywords relevant to the position you desire?

Do you search daily and have a resume on craigslist (it’s free) in New Orleans, Seattle, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc?

Have you been to an MSC job fair?

If you do all these things daily- you will eventually get work:)[/QUOTE]

Dude, his screen name is captblighe, I fear your optimism and motivating words will be falling on deaf ears. Everything you said is correct, I hope he takes your advice, but you just can’t help some people. Hammers will always find work, worms will struggle when times are tough, just the way it is.

Well I, for one, am using the info! Thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:


OS - You are awesome! I would also add get a passport if you don’t already have one. There’s a long delay in the process now and by the time it arrives, your new employer may wish to send you to some far flung corner of the world. *Note: It may not necessarily be an exotic corner of the world but if far flung enough, it will require a passport to fly in or out of.

Nice post, Anthony…

[QUOTE=Diesel;24114]Yes it is worth it, go somewhere where they can give you your assessments as well. Mid-Atlantic Maritime is one, there are others, but friends of mine have been to Mid-Atlantic and speak highly of it. You will then be able to sail as an AB, as you will then be able to hold an STCW endorsed RFPNW(limited). It is of course up to the company that hires you as to what they will pay (ask around until you find one that will pay you as an AB, it may not even come up, they might see RFPNW and take it at face value), but the pay difference between OS and AB is roughly $100 per day, I would say certainly worth the effort. If you go this route you will not have to do any onboard assessments, and if you already have proof of 90 days of watchstanding prior to this, you will only have to do an additional 90 days on a vessel over 200 tons to receive an upgrade to full RFPNW. Which is a free upgrade. Good Luck[/QUOTE]

Mid-Atlantic will even work with you to get you a class set up. We have been giving RFPNW every Friday.