I am an AB Limited. No STCW. My company is placing me on a larger vessel traveling international and I need an STCW fast. I have already set up a BST class. What I am trying to understand is the RFPNW thing. My career path is heading into the engine room and I really have no need for the RFPNW is there anouther means to the same end? I also have a Lifeboatman already because of my AB. any advice would be appreciated.
Hey Easy Money, welcome to gCaptain…
Meet your new buddy NMC Policy Letter 14-02…
It covers all the necessary details for both RFPNW and RFPEW. Print it out and bring it with you.
Is the vessel you’ll be assigned to over 200 tons? If so, you’re in good shape. Find and take an RFPNW ‘Lookout Duties Only’ course. With your BST and RFPNW LDO you can get an STCW. The Lookout Duties Only STCW is only good for a year, but if you get 180 sea days and the final 3 assessments signed off aboard within that year’s time frame, you’ll be eligible for the full unrestricted RFPNW.
Are they sending you in the engine room? If so, there doesn’t seem to be an RFPEW equivalent way to get a temporary certificate.
Good luck, let us know how it all turns out…
[I][quote=trekleader;24630]…but if you get 180 sea days and the final 3 assessments signed off aboard within that year’s time frame, you’ll be eligible for the full unrestricted RFPNW…[/quote][/I]
Which are the “final 3” assessments? He’ll need to do them all, and most RFPNW Lookout Only courses are not approved for any assessments.
He’ll only need RFPNW if he will make up part off the navigational watch. If his time will be entirely on deck and he will never go to the wheelhouse or stand lookout, he doesn’t need RFPNW (but the company may still require it).
these NMC “checklists” might be of interest??
also you might want to add these sites to your “favorites”??
Alright, thanks for the help! What I have since discovered Via a very nice young Lady at the NMS is that I can use my prexisting Lifeboatman cert along with by BST to get an STCW. This of course does not qualify me to get an AB unlimited but as I am heading into the Engine Room I think my AB Lim. will suffice for now. if I was not so pressed for time I’d go ahead and do it, but I’ve only got a few weeks. Also I had not heard that you no longer need to go to an REC for ID/Prints. This also makes my life so much easier as the REC is 6 hours away. Also the nice Lady told me that the turnaround now is about 30 days! I remember waiting 5 months once… So in closing, thanks agian for the links and advise, it’s gonna be a good day.
Which are the “final 3” assessments? He’ll need to do them all, and most RFPNW Lookout Only courses are not approved for any assessments.
He’ll only need RFPNW if he will make up part off the navigational watch. If his time will be entirely on deck and he will never go to the wheelhouse or stand lookout, he doesn’t need RFPNW (but the company may still require it).[/QUOTE]
Mr Cavo,
I stand corrected. Thanks for the correction.