Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach Employment question

Was wondering if anyone has any info on employment in LA/LB. I am a non union member and am really not looking to join a union as I cant afford to stand around a hall for months. I currently hold 1600 mates/100 master no towing endorsement just curious if any of you guys had any input.


[QUOTE=MIKEZ76SP;72491]Was wondering if anyone has any info on employment in LA/LB. I am a non union member and am really not looking to join a union as I cant afford to stand around a hall for months. I currently hold 1600 mates/100 master no towing endorsement just curious if any of you guys had any input.


PTS (Pacific Tugboat Service) is out of Long Beach and heard they’re looking for employees. Don’t specifically know the requirements since you don’t hold an endorsement but I’m sure you’ll find the answer…