This derelict ship is moored in Patterson, Louisiana next to the Calumet bypass bridge. sorry for bad photos, taken while driving. any hints , leads or suggestions is greatly appreciated.
not seeing the photo at that link…becha tho I can tell you the ship after I see it
I’m a wizard known throughout the land to be able to tell you the name of a ship and the year and yard that built it
CaptDag, You might try doing a Print Screen and crop-out the picture(s) you want to display, and repost. I’m interested.
try the website again then click the attached photos. please let me know if it don’t work and i’ll post on photobucket or flicker
The pictures don’t work but it can be seen clearly on Google maps. Just search Patterson, LA and scroll West to the bridge.
your photos don’t help much so I am not able to say other than she is 1960’s European built probably for some government service like training or patrol although she does have a few characteristics which look Japanese.
I stand in abject defeat…sorry
Thanks anyway c.captain. maybe someone will know how she ended up here. a little trivia, this place ,I believe, use to be the famed Halter Calumet yard.
I ran a crew boat to that dock for a few weeks in the late '90’s. Wax Lake outlet has a lot of current. That ship wasn’t there at the time, just a big molasses barge a few hundred feet South.
[QUOTE=c.captain;94020]your photos don’t help much so I am not able to say other than she is 1960’s European built probably for some government service like training or patrol although she does have a few characteristics which look Japanese.
I stand in abject defeat…sorry[/QUOTE]
I am right with you. Could be that or a pilot boat. There was a similar looking vessel down anchored off of Isla Mujeres, Mexico for some time. It was being used at the time as a charter dive vessel, and was an old Dutch pilot boat. Could also be an ex research or fisheries boat.
Looks a bit like the Pirate Radio ship, minus the masts.