Philippines, UN, IMO

If the Philippines left the UN, like Duterte wants, what would happen to its mariners? Would they still have IMO-valid certificates and be employable on ships with other flags? I guess I can’t believe they really would leave the UN, but hypothetically what if they did?

[QUOTE=Emrobu;189358]If the Philippines left the UN, like Duterte wants, what would happen to its mariners? Would they still have IMO-valid certificates and be employable on ships with other flags? I guess I can’t believe they really would leave the UN, but hypothetically what if they did?[/QUOTE]

Is this an example of what happens when you elect Presidents with no understanding of foreign policy, or respect for Laws, Treaties or anything else a sovereign nation is obliged to follow?

His aids are now busy trying to repair the damages from this latest “statement” from their President:

As for any impact on Pinoy seafarers from such an act; I don’t think it will have any, unless the withdrawal includes all UN organizations, such as IMO, ILO etc.

BTW here is link to an article about the plight of Pinoys at sea and the new act to hopefully give them better protection:

In the news lately has been the abandonment of seafarers, many of them Pinoys, with scant regards to their welfare, or to ILOs MLC convention:

It’s an absolutely shocking disgrace. I requested Trouble on Board by Paul Chapman from the library, but it hasn’t come in yet. It’s from 1992, but I’m hoping it’ll give me an insight. It happens right under our noses, sometimes. Right in our own crews. Something about Pinoy culture, or their individual economic reality stops them from complaining much, so it’s easy not to see it if you don’t want to. I am teaching myself Tagalog out of a book, so that I can maybe be more in touch with crewmates. I’m hoping that when I join my ship I will find someone who wants to help me learn the language.