No photos to post but ORCA was refloated at noon yesterday and all caulking was tight and strong. The boat only weeps water as expected. New genset was test run and all fine there. Only electrical issue remains in the use of the inverter to charge the housebank of batteries. The breaker will not hold and trips after only charging the batteries for a few minutes.
The boat was delivered from Everett to her new homeport of LaConner and is berthed awaiting her continued life as a fisheries research vessel as well as salvage jobs and who knows what else!
Never heard of it, you are on your own. Might be some dip switches or “installer” programming to reduce the charge rate and consequently the AC current draw to keep the breaker from tripping.
[QUOTE=PaddyWest2012;119850]Is this a side hobby or is it no more Gulf and DP desk for C.Captain?[/QUOTE]
Someday I hope to turn my backside to the GoM and make a nice little semiretirement living with ORCA but I still am a greedy SOB who wants all that green so plan on me hanging around the miserable Gulf for a few years still. Will run ORCA tho on my time off and have another captain to operate her for me when I am working offshore.
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Allright…will be getting some soon. Yesterday when I was running her, I had too many other things to worry about that snapping pics of the scenery.
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[QUOTE=Flyer69;119834]Never heard of it, you are on your own. Might be some dip switches or “installer” programming to reduce the charge rate and consequently the AC current draw to keep the breaker from tripping.[/QUOTE]
they have a website here but am going to keep working on troubleshooting the system. I may have a battery in the house bank that has a shorted cell that is causing all the high current flow.
Those things are a pain… I’ve got a 60 amp xantrex (charge only, no inverter) sitting in my garage that I’ll send you for free if you can talk xantrex (or flyer69) into fixing it for you. I bought it new inbox at a local garage sale and it crapped out after 2 months but xantrex refuses to honor the warranty without a receipt.
Meanwhile my 40amp mastervolt is 5 years old and working like a charm… I should have never tried"upgrading".
[QUOTE=john;119906]Those things are a pain… I’ve got a 60 amp xantrex (charge only, no inverter) sitting in my garage that I’ll send you for free if you can talk xantrex (or flyer69) into fixing it for you. I bought it new inbox at a local garage sale and it crapped out after 2 months but xantrex refuses to honor the warranty without a receipt.
Meanwhile my 40amp mastervolt is 5 years old and working like a charm… I should have never tried"upgrading".[/QUOTE]
well, I got problems enough with what I have now so am not too keen about taking on any extras at the moment
anyway, here’s a photo of ORCA in her new moorings
Be careful to match the charger with the type of battery you’re using. Some are only good for lead/acid. Some of the electronic regulated chargers I’ve seen have an internal selector switch for lead/acid, gel and AGM types.
It does share quite a resemblance to Capt Quint’s Orca. If a police chief and a Woods Hole scientist ask you to help them catch a giant shark make sure you run the other way!!
[QUOTE=Bayrunner;119912]It does share quite a resemblance to Capt Quint’s Orca. If a police chief and a Woods Hole scientist ask you to help them catch a giant shark make sure you run the other way!![/QUOTE]
NAW! I’ll invite both them aboard and pour them straight rum and then we can compare psychological scars and finally I’ll tell the tale of how I was trapped on a ship with nothing but Kings Pointers in the crew and how they all devoured eachother in a huge feeding frenzy as they all wanted to be the cap’n! Then we will go fishin!
[QUOTE=Jetryder223;119922]Why does it still carry the old name “Streeter”? Are you waiting for a proper renaming ceremony to appease King Neptune?[/QUOTE]
mind your own business you little twerp! I’ll get to it…
I was really looking to see if you plan on a “Proper” renaming ceremony. I saw one at our marina and the new owners really made an event of it. Best I recall, they gathered a crowd on the bow, read a prayer to King Neptune, burned some official document containing the old name, poured everyone a cup of rum punch - and a cup for King Neptune, Neptune got the first taste with the cup over the bow, then everyone drank up and the Vessel was here after known as it’s new name.
You can always count on me to come up with a reason for a drinking party.