You scratched my anchor!
Sweet vessel! Been following along with you here. Thanks for letting us go alongside with you during the refit.
[QUOTE=c.captain;120108]You scratched my anchor![/QUOTE]
So what!? So let’s dance!
So John…in case you were serious about bidding on boats, here’s a jewel up for sale right there in Morro Bay!
\Getting the stink out of her would be the biggest issue I’d think…
btw, if you get it, I’ll buy those trolling poles from you
Without any permits I wouldn’t take that thing if I could get it for free… but if you really want those poles it might help you to know that the host of the gCaptain radio show, Jeff Eckels, is also the harbor commissioner
Well John, McArthur II should be on the GSA block soon… Miller Freeman is still up for grabs…MSC is selling John McDonnell…
Got a bag o’ money?
[QUOTE=catherder;120212]Well John, McArthur II should be on the GSA block soon… Miller Freeman is still up for grabs…MSC is selling John McDonnell…
Got a bag o’ money?[/QUOTE]
really…the McARTHUR II? they haven’t had it that long so why dispose of it? No budget to operate?
also, I am very surprised that NOAA didn’t want the McDONNELL to run alongside the T. JEFFERSON. Do you have any inside intelligence you can pass on to us here Cat? I mean, the McD is filled to the gills with fancy multibeam sonars!
btw, which is your vessel? Just curious…
[QUOTE=john;120202]Without any permits I wouldn’t take that thing if I could get it for free… but if you really want those poles it might help you to know that the host of the gCaptain radio show, Jeff Eckels, is also the harbor commissioner[/QUOTE]
Well, I’d take it for a couple of grand but not any more. Just depends on the hull condition and if it still have its fisheries endorsement (ie not a buy-back boat) so you can sell it to still fish. She’s make a dandy troller and if you got her for say $5G then it would be worth it even if it stinks to high heaven! I’d bid on it if I didn’t already have one boat. Boats are more like wives than girlfriends…not good to have more than one at any moment!
As far as the troll poles go, I have no idea at all how one would transport them and it really is quite easy to make you own so no need to go down that path.
Here are some brand new “generators” for ya c.capt
Washington State Ferries is auctioning nine brand new, multi-million-dollar generators on an EBay-like website, five years after State Ferries’ port engineers began to realize that the equipment they’d ordered could never work on ferry system boats.
The generators were ordered in 2006 for installation on the ferries Kaleetan and Yakima, but they have never been used. The generators are too powerful to safely work with existing connector cables on the boats.
[QUOTE=john;123071]Here are some brand new “generators” for ya c.capt ;)[/QUOTE]
Washington State just sold the ferry MARTHA S located on Lake Roosevelt above the Grand Coulee dam for a whopping $5000!
I thought about bidding and scrapping the old girl but they wouldn’t let me do it on site and the cost to truck the hull to Richland where you could reach the sea would be astronomical so I decided not to (for once).
of course, now the buyer is already trying to resell her on Craigslist for $53k!
As I learned already, the purchase price is only the cost to enter the arena…after you buy, you have to pay to play.
Regarding ORCA, I have my document now, radio station license, insurance and soon will have my highly migratory species (Albacore) fishing permit. The work in the cabin is coming along nicely albeit slowly. Lots or rewiring done and soon new cabinetry will be going in. Still counting on chartering her back to the NMFS for research work in Puget Sound next year.