Online CPR

Going to be laid up for two weeks. Anyone ever done a USCG approved online CPR class? (I am renewing)

[QUOTE=jmad;146846]Going to be laid up for two weeks. Anyone ever done a USCG approved online CPR class? (I am renewing)[/QUOTE]

There aren’t any on-line courses that can be done completely on-line. Someone has to provide you with the mannequin, witness the demonstrations, and give the written test.

I found this online…after searching legit?


You don’t need CPR to renew. I only ever had it for my original issue.

I’m renewing/upgrading. But maybe I’m just soo overwhelmed by the process. I misread something?

Don’t think I have done cpr in 6 years or so? Have renewed and upgraded since. You’re supposed to remain current but obviously some of us don’t.

Also includes a 30 minutes skills verification from a qualified instructor arranged at your convenience.

Still way better than sitting through a whole day class.

More and more companies have it in their SMS that all crew must be current in First Aid and CPR. I think the American Heart Association cards are only good for two years. I take it every year, so I’m always current, and so it is fresher in my mind if I have to respond to an emergency. Same with the other safety classes. The HR staff with their checklists seem to like it that I’m always current and ready to go.

AHA and ASHI are 2 years.
Red Cross is only 1 yr.