Just checking on any updated tips before I send this out. Upgrading to… Chief Eng (limited) 1600 ton, with stcw cert to III/2. I’m going to tell them I want to use the old regs, I will get the classes before the Jan 2016 break off,(thats my plan anyway). Also could I put in for an Asst Eng OSV endorsement? Even thought I haven’t work on one.(all Tug/ATB time) Just thinking if I want to make a move someday to an OSV…I have looked at the past threads,maybe Ive missed one to answer these question. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Heres what I have currently. DDE Unlimited w/STCW III/1
Thanks guys, and good luck to you also chefedemaquina. Ill change my app to Chief OSV then ,whats the worst thing they could say ,NO lol, I wasn’t sure as far as whats covered in the OSV world. About every time Ive had enough sea time I put in for an upgrade while testing is stll fresh in my head. get it now i say ,before they change the it again.
[QUOTE=gulf_engineer;137732]Chief limited covers you for OSVs up to 3000ITC. If I’m not mistaken, you could also just get Chief OSV tacked onto your DDE Unlimited.[/QUOTE]
I’m told that Chief OSV does not have a tonnage limitation anymore. Confirmed by the NMC. So no more 3000 ITC and 6000 ITC. Just Chief OSV.
Hey I’m getting ready to sit for my 3rd assistant does anyone know about how many diagrams are on this exam? Like do the coastguard have a max/min they put on each subject. I appreciate any feedback.