NMC Closed Monday Due To Weather
WTF… Im waiting on my new fancy stickers…
Whos bright idea was it to locate the damn thing in West Virginia in the first place?
Dang thing is closed more than it’s open.
Does the affect people testing at REC’s tomorrow? Do the REC’s generate their own exams or are they sent from the NMC?
They generate their own.
This will add at least 3 weeks to your waiting!
Wonder what ever happened to my medical certificate…a blizzard perhaps?
[QUOTE=txwooley;132096]Whos bright idea was it to locate the damn thing in West Virginia in the first place?
Dang thing is closed more than it’s open.[/QUOTE]
Don’t you mean the great sea faring state of WV?!
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[QUOTE=New3M;132100]They generate their own.[/QUOTE]
I believe issuing of documents, endorsements, etc., is controlled by NMC computers. Wouldn’t be surprised if computers are offline if no one is minding the store.
Could be. I know they printed my tests in front of me when I sat but it’s possible it comes from a central database.
I’ve always watched them pull the tests out of a drawer when I’ve tested in Boston.
[QUOTE=txwooley;132096]Whos bright idea was it to locate the damn thing in West Virginia in the first place?
Dang thing is closed more than it’s open.[/QUOTE]
Good thing they didn’t put it in New Hampshire, it would have been closed for months
[QUOTE=tugsailor;132123]Good thing they didn’t put it in New Hampshire, it would have been closed for months[/QUOTE]
Not really. NH residents know how to deal with weather.
[QUOTE=PaddyWest2012;132097]Does the affect people testing at REC’s tomorrow? Do the REC’s generate their own exams or are they sent from the NMC?[/QUOTE]
The exams are generated by NMC and placed on a server for the RECs on a periodic basis. RECs pick exams from the inventory on the server… It should not affect them.
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[QUOTE=Traitor Yankee;132122]I’ve always watched them pull the tests out of a drawer when I’ve tested in Boston.[/QUOTE]
Giving them the benefit of a doubt, they probably printed them the night before. But occasionally RECs will keep their own inventory. NMC finds out when you protest a question and NMC looks up the exam and finds it was “:archived” weeks earlier, sometimes because of the bad question you are protesting.
Giving them the benefit of a doubt, they probably printed them the night before. But occasionally RECs will keep their own inventory. NMC finds out when you protest a question and NMC looks up the exam and finds it was “:archived” weeks earlier, sometimes because of the bad question you are protesting.[/QUOTE]
I had a chart plot that just didn’t make sense in any way, but managed to work through it and find the “best” answers…upon it being scored (pass) and complaining about how crappy it was and that I wanted to comment on such, the examiner said something like good thing you finished when you did, this exam just got removed…better get the “pass” in the system ASAP.
Anybody have the phone number for Boston REC? I wouldn’t mind talking to someone today and the only number I can find anywhere is for West Virginia.
[QUOTE=highseasharry;132143]Anybody have the phone number for Boston REC? I wouldn’t mind talking to someone today and the only number I can find anywhere is for West Virginia.[/QUOTE]
Try this: http://www.confidentcaptain.com/pdfs/BostonRegionalExamCenterDirectionsHours.pdf
6172233040is in my phone but that might reroute to NMC I usually GTS.
[QUOTE=z-drive;132142]I had a chart plot that just didn’t make sense in any way, but managed to work through it and find the “best” answers…upon it being scored (pass) and complaining about how crappy it was and that I wanted to comment on such, the examiner said something like good thing you finished when you did, this exam just got removed…better get the “pass” in the system ASAP.[/QUOTE]
This makes no sense, especially the “get the pass in the system” bit. An exam result isn’t invalidated because the test was “removed.” It’s also doubtful the examiner had real time knowledge of an exam being removed. Exams are also “removed” far more often because it’s being replaced with a “fresh” one, that it is that a question was bad.
Just took my exam, it was printed almost a full 2 years ago.
[QUOTE=jdcavo;132156]This makes no sense, especially the “get the pass in the system” bit. An exam result isn’t invalidated because the test was “removed.” It’s also doubtful the examiner had real time knowledge of an exam being removed. Exams are also “removed” far more often because it’s being replaced with a “fresh” one, that it is that a question was bad.[/QUOTE]
I have no benefit to making it up, just what happened last time I tested. He’s an interesting guy to deal with there. Allegedly the issue was that the exam was removed that day prior to it being taken, but the examiner did not see such until I had started it. Who knows, fake or not, just my experience and what I was told.