New STCW Leadership Training Requirements

[QUOTE=jdcavo;154764]Is the “pending approval” course at MITAGS? They called it pending approval as they were appealing the NMC’s denial of approval for being too short and not covering all the required material. Their appeal was denied. The course was approved, but only partially. It is only valid if you previously took MITAGS’ 40-hour Shiop Business/Maritime Law course. If you didn’t take that course, the “pending approval” course won’t meet the new requirement.[/QUOTE]

MITAGS currently advertises a 5 day Leadership and Managerial Skills class, is that one not approved?

[QUOTE=jdcavo;154764]If you renew in 2016, you won’t need to renew Advanced FF, and BST can be renmewed as before, either 1 year of service in the past five, or take a refresher course. The revised renewal requirements for BST and the renewal requirements for Advanced FF, PSC and Fast Rescue Boat start on the first renewal after December 31, 2016.

If yuou renew before 12/31/2016, you won’t get a date limitation “not valid after…” for not having these renewal courses, your endorsements will be good for 5 uyears, subject to any limitation for ECDIS or nt having Leadership and Managerial/Teamwork Skills.

Is the “pending approval” course at MITAGS? They called it pending approval as they were appealing the NMC’s denial of approval for being too short and not covering all the required material. Their appeal was denied. The course was approved, but only partially. It is only valid if you previously took MITAGS’ 40-hour Shiop Business/Maritime Law course. If you didn’t take that course, the “pending approval” course won’t meet the new requirement.[/QUOTE]

MITAGS-PMI are on the USCG list for approved courses to teach Lead and Manag.Skills. They are selling it and teaching it as approved. what am I missing here? Hundreds of mariners are taking this course expecting it to be valid.

That type of misrepresentation is classic MMP. They are an effin’ union.

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;155153]MITAGS currently advertises a 5 day Leadership and Managerial Skills class, is that one not approved?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Knots;155182]MITAGS-PMI are on the USCG list for approved courses to teach Lead and Manag.Skills. They are selling it and teaching it as approved. what am I missing here? Hundreds of mariners are taking this course expecting it to be valid.[/QUOTE]

Obviously, if the 5-day course is on NMC’s list, it was approved. They were advertising more than one course. The 5-day course is approved. The shorter one was not.

[QUOTE=tugsailor;155200]That type of misrepresentation is classic MMP. They are an effin’ union.[/QUOTE]

I’ve seen similar done by every type of school/company - union schools, companies, (non-union) commercial schools, and academies. And, in the case, the course actually was approved. But, it was approved with a prerequisite of having taken another course.

[QUOTE=Ctony;154630]Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think these are for stcw. Your national license will still be good. If we don’t have these by the end of 2016 our STCW is null in void (the first pages of the book with the roman numerals and such) and we can’t sail beyond the ‘boundary line.’

As we all know, most good jobs are contigent upon STCW endorsements.

I’m a bit slow. The more I have been reading about this stuff the worse my headache gets.[/QUOTE]

That is true. Your domestic license will not be affected initially.

What are they teaching in this course?

Sounds to me like things must have gotten a little slow at MITAGS…

[QUOTE=dmc;155228]What are they teaching in this course? [/QUOTE]

Look at STCW Code Table A-II/2, It should be everything that is associated witrh the competence [I]Use of leadership and managerial skill[/I]. It’s more than you would think it is, and more than the name suggests. The “pending approval” course didn’t include all of these subjects.

If you don’t have an STCW 2010 at hand, you can find this table in Enclosure 5 to NVIC 10-14.

[QUOTE=Knots;154592]Unless a whole bunch of approved courses are certified by the USCG soon, there is going to be no way all mariners can fit this course in.[/QUOTE]

We can’t approve courses if no one sends them in to be approved. It might be more productive to ask schools why they don’t have a course.

[QUOTE=The Rover;154593]I have called San Jacinto Maritime (281-974-2200) in Houston, Texas. They told me they were USCG approved. I did not see them on the USCG approved list.[/QUOTE]

Not being listed doesn’t mean the course is not approved. Schools occasionally partner with someone else who has an approved course to give the other school’s course at their location. San Jacinto did this in the past, they may be doing it here. If you have doubts, ask them to provide a copy of the NMC’s course approval letter (the letter, not the certificate).

[QUOTE=The Rover;154593]I was told Delgado ((504) 671-5000) in New Orleans is offering the class & they are approved. Again did not see them as approved on the USCG approved list.[/QUOTE]

They are listed.

[QUOTE=Knots;154592]PMI is sold out 2 months ahead, mitags 4 months and I hear star center is sold out until next year. That leaves one school in Tampa that can teach this thing. Unless a whole bunch of approved courses are certified by the USCG soon, there is going to be no way all mariners can fit this course in. [/QUOTE]

There are currently 13 different schools with approved courses:

Calhoon MEBA Engineering School
Delgado Community College
ECO Training Center, LLC
Houston Marine
Maritime Institute of Technology & Graduate Studies
Maritime Professional Training
Maritime Training International, LLC
Mid-Atlantic Maritime Academy, LLC
Pacific Maritime Institute
Quality Maritime Training, LLC
Resolve Maritime Academy
Seafarers Harry Lundeberg School of Seamanship
STAR Center

[QUOTE=dmc;155228]What are they teaching in this course?

Sounds to me like things must have gotten a little slow at MITAGS…[/QUOTE]

Leaderships styles and techniques. Leadership theories. How to build a team and work as a team. How to manage people. I thought the course was very good and the information is applicable in the everyday workplace. It is definitely not a waste of time. I was able to use a lot of the information and apply it to my team. Very useful course.

[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;155264]Leaderships styles and techniques. Leadership theories. How to build a team and work as a team. How to manage people. I thought the course was very good and the information is applicable in the everyday workplace. It is definitely not a waste of time. I was able to use a lot of the information and apply it to my team. Very useful course.[/QUOTE]

Did you sing Kumbaya[B]?[/B]

[QUOTE=RespectMyAuthority;155266]Did you sing Kumbaya[B]?[/B][/QUOTE]

Wasn’t quite that intense.

[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;154702]You might want to make sure the NMC understands that because I quoted the letter from them verbatim and they said I need [B]both[/B] courses for my management level endorsement to be valid.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I was told on the phone that I need take both ‘Leadership and Management’ and ‘Leadership and Teamwork’ classes in order to keep my license.

Any news on more schools (other than the present 13) that are getting ready to offer the leadership course? I am really surprised that none of the academies offer it yet.

Between full classes, several schools coincidentally offering the courses on the same dates, and my current schedule, I am finding it difficult to schedule the Leadership course anywhere.

Maine’s looking at early 2016, Northeast Maritime in Fairhaven allegeldy has a course approval pending too, sooner I’m assuming…I’m disappointing more aren’t offering it at this point. I was really hoping to stay closer to home than Baltimore. I can only imagine Mass is in the same boat.

Same issue here scheduling it at this point. One good point is Maine is allegedly offering it in a hybrid format, with an online portion and then only a few days on site, BUT not approved at this point so anything could happen.

I would feel much better about these courses if I only had to watch a power point presentation on line and maybe pay a $20 processing fee.

I doubt I would learn any less than I did when I paid tuition, travel, room and board to watch the same power point presentations in a classroom. The only difference was that in the classroom someone read the presentation to me aloud and would preference certain slides with “Pay attention. This one is on the test.”

I’m taking the 5 day leadership class at PMI Seattle right now. So far it’s been a pretty informative class, more of a discussion and seminar than just a guy reading off a PowerPoint .

While there is PowerPoint involved, it’s one of those classes where the more you get involved in the discussion and provide input, the more you get out of it.