Capt B… thats way better than mine just got a quick snap passing whwn I was heading out. It looks good though. you must be on the falcon im guessing…
Is that the Netty or Chief? When the chief went to shipyard to get all the bearings re aligned I was surprised she didn’t come back repainted.
[QUOTE=“Traitor Yankee;113681”]
Is that the Netty or Chief? When the chief went to shipyard to get all the bearings re aligned I was surprised she didn’t come back repainted.[/QUOTE]
Thats the netty… chief is still red as of yesterday afternoon when I pass them by Halliburton slip… but looks like they not playing around with changing the colors seen 2 other crewboats gettin makeovers…
Yes I’m on the Falcon getting the blue treatment.
[QUOTE=“CaptB;113698”]Yes I’m on the Falcon getting the blue treatment.[/QUOTE]
Ok Firgured that from the angle. Hope they working with you…And the blue don’t look to bad… they going a lil slower on ya boat compared to the crewboats or they all jumped on you after the express.
[QUOTE=“terrebonne122;113656”]The new paint job on the harvey express dont look to bad.
He dont want to be at the bottom he wants to be #1 it seems like…[/QUOTE]
New paint looked awesome in Stone slip when it had a huge fuel spill. Nice crack in the hull above the water line, about a foot long. Nice red water all the way over to R360.
New paint looked awesome in Stone slip when it had a huge fuel spill. Nice crack in the hull above the water line, about a foot long. Nice red water all the way over to R360.[/QUOTE]
Thats what they had the slip closed down for? Heard a spill on the radio.
That’s funny how they freak out over some spills and do nothing for others. I saw a Tidewater supply boat vent fuel off the back deck for at least fifteen minutes at the c-port 1 pilings and the harbor police didn’t even show up. And that was just last month.
Spills always seem to vary in consequence. One guy accidentally dumps a gallon or two and its a crisis, another falls asleep and dumps a few hundred and not anther word is said. All in how the office handles the gummint I guess.
I saw booms out at C-Port 1 last week and never heard a word. They were out for a couple of days and the 2 or 3 boats that were in the slip were stuck there. Never did find out what happened.
Z-drive you are correct…
Noticed the c port 1 spill also heard fuel but not for sure… we all know how shit changes unless you see it.
The gummint sure does make some info readily accessible. I also like the uscg PSIX database, makes for good reading.
If it does not get reported, they won’t show up. However, if u don’t report it, the fines are worse.
What amazes me is that since this is the 4th busiest port in the country that there is no USCG office or station of any type here. I am guessing the Dems and the Reps get paid off for that. Seems like there would be a lot of business watching the posts here…
…and NO, I don’t want a station or office here either. We would never get ANYTHING done.
Corner of the dock at Bollinger sliced a gash in the side of the Express. Probably while they had the tires off and with all the traffic going by.
The best one is when your taking fuel @ IMTT Bayonne, and the boat next to you starts blowing fuel out of the vents. 1 guy was thrown to the wolves, and the other one i saw, the uscg couldnt be bothered to even show up, guess it just depends which day you decide to have an uh-oh.
[QUOTE=“BargeMonkey;113826”]The best one is when your taking fuel @ IMTT Bayonne, and the boat next to you starts blowing fuel out of the vents. 1 guy was thrown to the wolves, and the other one i saw, the uscg couldnt be bothered to even show up, guess it just depends which day you decide to have an uh-oh.[/QUOTE]
IMTT Bayonne…imo the worst dockman in the N.E. You’re lucky if you can get a dockman out to catch lines within 45 minutes of your arrival time.
IMTT Bayonne…imo the worst dockman in the N.E. You’re lucky if you can get a dockman out to catch lines within 45 minutes of your arrival time.[/QUOTE]
Correction: within 45 minutes AFTER you’re already alongside. “oh…we didn’t know you we coming”…
[QUOTE=RubberRhib888;113849]Correction: within 45 minutes AFTER you’re already alongside. “oh…we didn’t know you we coming”…[/QUOTE]
Nevermind that Dispatch CALLED them SIXTY minutes PRIOR to arrival (at YOUR behest of course - this ain’t yer first rodeo) to insure a dock man WAS on the pier. NO, I don’t miss that shit at all.
IMTT Bayonne…imo the worst dockman in the N.E. You’re lucky if you can get a dockman out to catch lines within 45 minutes of your arrival time.[/QUOTE]
Catch lines?!?