[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182478]Not much because I don’t live there so it’s more of a curiosity thing when I do.
Does it make you feel good that people who have contributed nothing and will probably contribute little at all enjoy all your welfare programs? How does it feel watching your government give away things meant for your citizens paid for by your hard earned taxes?[/QUOTE]
I vote for the Progress Party so you can figure that one out yourself. I think it will do you good to read up on party politics in an allied nation .
I don’t give a flying fuck about allied nation politics. Until enough people over here unite and vote these bastards out we are in a vicious cycle. Either that or we keep going and ride it into the ground as it all collapses. As it stands right now we are fucked. Our final two “choices” for president will be like deciding which type of cancer you want to die from.
Well friend my coffee break is over so I’ll discuss politics with you later.
[QUOTE=cajaya;182469]Yes, that’s true, but I don’t remember the last time the U.S. invaded the U.K. Denmark or Norway.
Mexico’s corruption problem is becoming a huge problem in the U.S. but I don’t think I even know of one American who is gravely concerned with the politics there.[/QUOTE]
You are right, the US did not invade those countries, but it did invade parts of the Middle East, and the resulting destabilization has helped create real problems which are now affecting nearby Europe. I can understand the interest in the Presidential election.
You might also be surprised by how many people are aware of the problems in Mexico right now.
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182483]I don’t give a flying fuck about allied nation politics. Until enough people over here unite and vote these bastards out we are in a vicious cycle. Either that or we keep going and ride it into the ground as it all collapses. As it stands right now we are fucked. Our final two “choices” for president will be like deciding which type of cancer you want to die from.
Well friend my coffee break is over so I’ll discuss politics with you later.[/QUOTE]
Have to respect the saltiness
[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;182481]It’s all about karma.[/QUOTE]
“We just want to be free. Free to lead our lives as we please, so long as we do not infringe on the same freedom of others.”
I choke when I hear a Christian conservative (like most people in the tea party) say that. What they mean is, they want to be free to load their lives as they please and you damn well better lead your life as they please too.
[QUOTE=Kraken;182472]Then your friends are retards. Are your that self centered that you don’t even familiarize yourself with the politics in your neighbouring country, a country with a population of 119,530,753. That have an ongoing drug war that’s claimed 164,000+++ victims. Do you even understand the consequences if Mexico turns into a failed state?[/QUOTE]
There is nothing most Americans can do about Mexico. What are we going to do, form bands of vigilante’s and go over there and fight the drug cartels? Go over there and picket an protest to demand that they restructure their government? Most of us are just sheep, we are trying to figure out how to pay our mortgage, our car payment or if in a better situation how to invest for our future since our social security system is pretty much f%#ed. That and the problems with our own politicians. While we are doing that we are competing for jobs and government resources by illegals who don’t belong here.
The only thing the U.S. could probably do to really do to fix the problem (which still wouldn’t be up to the majority of us regular citizens) would be to annex them. Then everyone gets to become an American citizen! Yay! No more kids die trying to cross the border! Yay! Our very strong CIA, FBI and ICE then go after the drug cartels and arrest every single one of those murderers! Crooked politicians and policemen kicked out and replaced by slightly less crooked politicians and policemen, poor women have access to reproductive health care to stop the population problem, no more 50% of the population living below the poverty line and kids going hungry. Wow, sounds great doesn’t it? But then America would just be big bullies again trying to police the world and meddling in other people’s affairs.
It’s already been speculated that this may end up happening if things get bad enough.
[QUOTE=Kraken;182531]You could build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it.
Hey, I am not a Trump supporter. I’m just stating it like it is. He is right about some things but I can’t see how any woman in their right mind could vote republican. As much as Europeans accuse Americans of being ignorant it seems they do not really grasp the whole picture themselves of what is really going on over here. I would say they are pretty ignorant in their assumptions that we are all ignorant. I told some Europeans what state I was from one time and said jokingly that “it was a great country”. They really thought I was serious that I thought my state was a country. Now that is pretty ignorant that a European would think that an American would actually confuse their own state with being a country. I mean, you guys really take it to the next level in the ignorance factor when it comes to that stuff.
[QUOTE=cajaya;182535]I told some Europeans what state I was from one time and said jokingly that “it was a great country”. They really thought I was serious that I thought my state was a country. Now that is pretty ignorant that a European would think that an American would actually confuse their own state with being a country. I mean, you guys really take it to the next level in the ignorance factor when it comes to that stuff.[/QUOTE]
I must say that I have a hard time understanding what you are trying to convey.
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[QUOTE=lm1883;182539]Yeah, because Americans are the only people in the world who do that.[/QUOTE]
What I have a hard time understanding is that because there are other countries that are more corrupt, more ignorant, snorts more cocaine etc. there is no need for America (or Americans) to do anything about their own problems. If you want to preach to others you first have to put your own house in order.
If there weren’t such a great demand for drugs in USA there wouldn’t be a big market for the drugs, thus less profit from smuggling it from Mexico and other places. The war on drugs has proven as useless as the Cuban embargo. After 50 years of trying, maybe it is time to take another tack. What about educating people to the danger of drug taking?? If the same amount of money were spent on education as on trying to stop drugs at source, or being smuggled across your boarders, you would have a fighting change to stop this scourge.
Oh I forgot, building a wall around the country and pull back behind it may also be a solution. You could then live in ignorant bliss, without being bordered by the outside world. The funds spent on the present election campaign would just about cover the cost.
No country is PERFECT, but even so it is possible to learn from others, like others can learn from you when you do something right.
A self-righteous believe in American superiority and exceptionalism and right to dominate word policy, may be more of a hinder than an aid in developing a just society for yourself, without building walls.
[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;182558]How long did Belgium go with no goverment? Why can’t they get their shit together? Because it’s divided into distinct regions. .
Because we aren’t a 5 million citizen utopia living in an area the size of California. You guys seem to be constantly harping about Norwegian Exceptionalism on this forum. You need to also take a step back and realize adding another 250 million people (representing every religion, race, tribe around the globe) to your model will exponentially increase the chances of fraud and corruption.
[QUOTE=Fraqrat;182560]Because we aren’t a 5 million citizen utopia living in an area the size of California. You guys seem to be constantly harping about Norwegian Exceptionalism on this forum. You need to also take a step back and realize adding another 250 million people (representing every religion, race, tribe around the globe) to your model will exponentially increase the chances of fraud and corruption.[/QUOTE]
I seams to me that there are others harping about corruption in the US more then me. I just mentioned that because it is featured repeatedly in many posts and threads here by many different posters. (Politicians in the pocket of big oil/big business etc.) OK, by some more than others.
I think your election system invites corruption, but that is another discussion.
Growing up on the West Coast I never really picked up on the riff between North & South other than from history books. It wasn’t until I started working in the South that I was exposed to it, but only from Southern folks. Never heard it from my “Northern” coworkers before either.