Name that dude!

[QUOTE=tugsailor;175276]And I thought I was the only one left from a bygone era familiar with that wonderfully politically incorrect term.[/QUOTE]

And your true colors show.
Quite a man of refinement and class you are…

[QUOTE=jdcavo;175271]See 46 CFR 10.232(h)(2). If you don’t like it, see 33 CFR 1.05-20.


Thanks, that is very helpful. Still leaves my question about shipyard time kind of hazy. The vessel I was referring to is a foreign flagged yacht. Something big and fancy broke because the entire vessel was poorly neglected when someone decided to hire their buddy, and their buddies of buddies who weren’t fully qualified to take care of something very expensive. The piece of equipment has been sent off to a shop somewhere which will take over 200k and 8 months to repair. In the meantime the rest of the problems will be fixed, while it is in dry dock and it will definitely go back into service. There is no COI, because it is foreign flagged…


. . . fly right plus don’t phuck any phat chicks neither (unless of course you are getting paid really well to)[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I would compare it to driving a Ford. Still feels pretty good, but you don’t want your friends to see it. . . .

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[QUOTE=c.captain;175227]maybe I was misreading that banter but what was coming across to me was cajaya needing to be forcibly raped to cure her man issues. Maybe that is the old man in me but I don’t like to read such words. They are very disconcerting. I do not think discussions of violent criminal acts to be appropriate in any discussion even if in jest.

Besides that thread was spinning down and down and needed to finally crash into the deck. We all survived though and that is good except for our feminazi fellow member who I’d be thrilled to see didn’t live. How one person can repeatedly post such inflammatory blather really gives me a very painful rash. Especially when she goes out of her way to cause so much dissension here. A pure PSYCHOBITCH if there ever was one!


Gotta agree with you. When I saw it turn that way, I stopped posting. It is one thing to question ones abilities, and yet another to suggest what was posted. Way beyond any pointy stick, if you will . .

[QUOTE=cajaya;175249]And as long as jdcavo is lurking around here, I have something else to say. If you are going to give time and a half sea time to work boat engineers who hardly ever troubleshoot or repair anything themselves, then I would say that ship engineers that work 8 hours and 4 hours of overtime everyday, definitely deserve time and a half sea time as well IF NOT MORE sea time considering there is no one to “call” for help, and the two types of sea time experiences are not comparable.

Furthermore, handing out these “OSV” licenses for what are supposed to be unlimited tonnage vessels and those BS assistant osv engineer licenses is not only going to DRIVE DOWN OUR WAGES, but it is downright dangerous, considering what I just explained in the paragraph above.

I may be wrong here but I definitely think it is a recipe for disaster…[/QUOTE]

When I sailed with Crowley, there was only ONE engineer onboard. . . never got more than a single days sea time, always had to troubleshoot and solve all problems. . . repair as much as I could with the parts onboard. . . emergency help consisted of getting any replacement parts I needed in San Juan and expected to install myself. . . only had “help” with main engine work if more than three power packs had to be replaced. . . lots of OT besides. . . . never got more that day for day sea time. I was happy with the money, myself. Getting day and a half sea time never even crossed my mind. . . and you want more as a QMED? Hahahahahaha. . . . . Even more hours on an ATB. . .

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[QUOTE=cajaya;175300]Sorry, did my “6 Pac” license holder comment upset you? Let me guess, you have “captain” in front of your name in the phone book? Lol[/QUOTE]

Man, not like I have enough people stealing photos from my website, now I have someone stealing my spiel. . . .

[QUOTE=cajaya;175161]Click on “scuttlebutt”, then when on that page click on the little paperclip icon next to the thread.

I know you old timers tend to have a harder time with technology, and sometimes need some guidance from us young punk millennials.[/QUOTE]

I show the millennials on the boat how to use technology and unlike the millennials, there is never an issue with my drug screens.

[QUOTE=Lookout;175383]I show the millennials on the boat how to use technology and unlike the millennials, there is never an issue with my drug screens.[/QUOTE]

Man, it just never stops. . . . . Energizer Bunny (complete with battery reference)?

(Lookout) =Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other. More specifically, it is the inability to untangle subjective schemas from objective reality; an inability to understand or assume any perspective other than their own.

[QUOTE=Lookout;175383]I show the millennials on the boat how to use technology and unlike the millennials, there is never an issue with my drug screens.[/QUOTE]

I was just messing with c.captain. There are plenty of older people who are better with technology than myself. Their generation is after all…the ones who started it.

As far as drugs screens. I have seen a larger percentage of “green” people get in trouble for that. I would say that if they are young and new to the industry…they don’t completely understand yet the severity of it and do not have that much time invested to care.