MSRC is currently hiring deck and engine personnel

I received this from MSRC this weekend. PM me for specific contact details or apply through the MSRC website. Try to mention gCaptain on this one… and all others :wink:




MSRC is now accepting applications for Temporary and Full Time positions aboard Oil Spill Response Vessels.

Licensed Engineers, Mates, Relief Captains, ABs and QMEDs. Operational experience aboard OSV, PSV, AHTS, OSRV and Tug type vessels preferred.

Full STCW 95 Certification and TWIC are required.

Tel: 703 326 5671


Web: click Employment Opportunities

the “spill pay” is really good. I make over double my daily wage when on a spill. PM me if you want any information regarding working for this company.

Dropped my resume this morning. Hope something comes out of it.

What is the pay at Msrc? Are you on Call?

Not sure about what position you are talking about, but the regular pay on those boats = somewhere around 67K for chiefs… Monday through Friday… based on an 8 hour day… on a spill you get spill pay,(captive pay) 16 hours plus three meal premiums… You make really good money during the spill, ok money when not on the spill, the benefits are above average for medical and really good 401k

Sent in my app by email…haven’t gotten confirmation if it was received in good order or not. Can’t find another phone number to call to check. Any ideas?
Seems to me that if you respond to an add for employment, the very least any decent company could do is send a confimation email.