MR. Cavo, Does this old post still hold true?

Does it also hold true for lifting Tonnage restrictions? Reason I ask is because my last two hitches the office put me down as Training Mate on my seatime letter. If it doesn’t matter on my RIG to 2nd mate does it matter on lifting my tonnage restriction. Your answer will determine how a approach the situation.

I’m going from 3rd to 2nd mate and plan to do the 1600t Master crossover test. Haven’t heard from USCG due to shutdown. I have enough days as OICNW for RIG but waited to apply because I was moved to a bigger boat and figured I would apply to lift the restriction at the same time.

Well, has anyone else ran into having training mate put on your seatime letter and how did it effect you?

From my experience trainee mate time will not count as master, mate or equivalent. This was 4 years ago from my coast guard evaluator and Mr. Cavo on here. You will need a rewritten sea time letter.

Thanks Troy, I remember reading you thread a while back and tried to look it up in search. I typed seatime instead of SEA TIME. I also typed in training mate, sea service and a few more and it only showed up under sea time. Search is a tricky thing on here. LOL!!!

Don’t think your situation and mine are the same but I’ll see what happens. I get off in two weeks and will talk to the office. I have the 240 days as MATE on sea service letter to upgrade. Was just wondering about lifting my restriction. I’ll take it as it not counting and work from there.

Appreciate you taking the little time to post something to help me out in my endeavor of finding the answers.

I looked up the 10 or so CFR’s posted in the checklist section on the USCG app with no success. Tried to goggle with no success and only found the old link I posted above from the G captains search engine. Again that was me not putting in the CORRECT wording. I finally just had to break down and ask the question.

Stuff just gets confussing, like our COI call for a master and 2 mates. The client calls for two Lic. personal to be on the bridge. Which one is the OICNW??? both are qualified, know what i mean.