Military wide civilian hiring freeze

Might this wash many mariners out of their jobs?

In San Diego the talk is a stop work order for all shipyards and pier construction etc…from April through September at least…

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This is what I was asking about earlier. Does anyone with MSC know if there is a civmar hiring freeze?

No hiring freeze, need engineers. Other jobs posted on

They need to cut the number of effing brasshat Admirals and Generals by half if they want to save some real coin!

I bet they have a Vice Admiral for Moose Choreography and Wiping Moose’s Noses in the Pentagon!*

*(courtesy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail for you ignorant unwashed masses :wink:



Yeah I heard back from a recruiter who said any sequestration won’t affect hiring. Good news. I can get my package in as soon as I finish RFPEW and get my stcw cert back. There is hope for us old farts after all.

Oh the Navy? Overloaded with brass for sure but the rank and file are taking it up the you know what. USS Cole just came back from 9 months deployment and that’s no longer the exception. That’s insane.

MSC just hired a bunch if New 3/M & 3AE from the January graduates at the maritime colleges, more hires expected in may. They’re always looking for unlimited engineers though. Maybe just shipyard work is being delayed.

Dont they have a hard time finding people most of the time? I cant imagine a freeze while there is a shortage of mariners. Even the job boards on here have numerous posting about MSC.

Yea well when you can make more, or at least the same, money elsewhere doing less work it’s easy to see why they have a hard time retaining and recruiting people.

After sitting thru my STCW course with a bunch of MSC employees, it’s a goddamn wonder they ever make it to the other side of the ocean. I’m sure there are many extremely talented individuals that work there, however, the ones I’ve encountered have as much common sense as a dog turd.

[QUOTE=Clear Solution;96372]After sitting thru my STCW course with a bunch of MSC employees, it’s a goddamn wonder they ever make it to the other side of the ocean. I’m sure there are many extremely talented individuals that work there, however, the ones I’ve encountered have as much common sense as a dog turd.[/QUOTE]

You should hear what they say about each other.

[QUOTE=LI_Domer;96330]Yea well when you can make more, or at least the same, money elsewhere doing less work it’s easy to see why they have a hard time retaining and recruiting people.[/QUOTE]

The biggest problem is time off. They don’t get much of it.

I’m thinking that if I get in there, I can gain some time, school and experience, then make a decision about moving on. My kids are grown so I can deal with being away most of the time for a couple years. People with young kids may want to look elsewhere.

[QUOTE=seacomber;96154]No hiring freeze, need engineers. Other jobs posted on[/QUOTE]

I have my 3 A/E license and I’ve been going through this MSC hiring process. I was on this “fast track” program and I finished everything except my physical. I was supposed to go down to Norfolk February 4th for the physical and then begin NEO. I received a call from the CIVMAR support center yesterday saying there will be no more NEO classes due to a hiring freeze and that I would be contacted as soon as they receive more information. Have you talked to anyone recently who has said otherwise? I’ve called the support center a few times to try get more information, but everyone seems reluctant to give me any definitive answers.

Hiring freeze instruction released 25 Jan 2013. Para 3.b. refers.

Well well…

Thanks for posting this. I sent this on to the MSC recruiter I am in touch with. I was looking to work there for a period of time, and he said he expected no hiring freeze (as I’d said earlier) but 9 times out of 10 these guys don’t know squat. I’ll post back with his reply. He’s a recruiter and I’m a veteran, so I know what that’s all about.

The Gulf, the Gulf, it’s off to work I go…

However MISSION CRITICAL is whatever they need it to be.

Ok, update.

Two MSC recruiters told me today me that yes, there is a freeze in effect- they are “hiring” but not sending anyone to NEO (New Employee Orientation) until further notice.

You can put in your application and they’ll process it but so far, and then it will sit in a pile because they need authorization to go further. Now, if someone is critically needed (as Jolly Tar indicated) I get the impression they will get that authorization, but who knows. It is the government, where you need permission and the right forms just to blow your nose.

This freeze, I am told, applies to all government entities that hire mariners, and that includes NOAA and the Army Corps of Engineers. If someone else has other info, feel free to pipe up.

Shore side employees are going on furlough. Our contract officer at MSC N7 told us they are being furloughed one day per week for 22 weeks. He works at the Washington Navy Yard.

And the beat goes on.