Does anyone know of a maritime school to get your engineering license in Florida?
Try MPT or Star Center, but I’m not positive on either.
Yea I was just looking into mpt… Thanks for the info though…
MPT is NOT an academy or an engineering school, they are there for specific classes and some testing I believe. I have done a few classes there and found them to be a very good place to attend. You can do a test prep class for testing for your license, but you are not gonna get the sea time needed for your license or QMED through them. I have taken a few classes there and found them worthwhile and very professional. Never been to the STAR center, but have heard good things about the simulator course. Oh, and Tom Jenkins BBQ is just down US1 from MPT, soooo good!!!
I believe there are only 7 Merchant Marine Academies in the US where you come out with a deck or engineering license. California Maritime, State University of NY (SUNY), Mass Maritime, Maine Maritime, Kings Point, Texas Maritime, Great Lakes Maritime Academy. I’m sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but if you want to do the academy route these are your only options.
[QUOTE=drod2214;93819]Does anyone know of a maritime school to get your engineering license in Florida?[/QUOTE]
What do you mean by “get” your license? If you are asking if someone with no experience can go to school and graduate with an engineer license, there aren’t any as noted above. If you haveunlicensed experience and want a prep course to help you prepare for the license exam, there are some as noted above.
Yeah, +1 on the BBQ.
I was assuming he was referring to classes, not somewhere you pick up a license.
Well I just got out the navy where I did four years as an engine man. An now want to pursue a career in the merchant marine. I have my post 9/11 gi bill that I would plan on useing. So with that said I would like to get my engineering license. Can I get my license at MPT? Or so I have to go to another school?
Look, academies (4 year programs) offer a Bachelors degree and Engineering license upon completion of college and USCG exam. Schools, such as MPT offer preparation courses to sit for a license exam. Schools that offer the courses do not hand out a license. All testing is done through the Coast Guard examination centers, and the National Maritime Center issues you your license upon passing required exams, sea time, etc.
Try going to and look up engineer requirements. That should pull up a pdf file of the requirements. (Testing, seatime, courses, etc.)
[QUOTE=drod2214;94018]Can I get my license at MPT? Or so I have to go to another school?[/QUOTE]
No school will give you a license. No matter where you attend class (academy or other), you will have to take the CG exam
One would think that the Navy or the VA ought to provide their sailors with some pre-discharge career advice.
Indeed- When one separates from the military now days its " here is your GI Bill, have a great life." Career advice would be greatly apreciated, because not all of us want the four year college crap. There are a lot of sailors in both the Navy and the Coast Guard that would love to obtain their licenses and work in the industry, I am one of them. However, those with 4,10, or even 20 years of military service come away with nothing but a GI Bill, that in all reality doesn’t pay for shit when it comes to maritime training. Sure, there are maritime schools out there that “except VA benefits” but if one really looks into the cost and how the VA benefit works, it’s almost a sham. The only thing the GI Bill is really designed for is going to a college or some other degree granting school. Vocational, something that would teach you a trade or hone in the skills you already possess? Forget about!
I personally plan to attend MITAGS Workboat Academy, or MPT. Even using my GI Bill i will still have to apply for a loan, and that is next to impossible these days.
No thanks to congress, the bloody IMO and my own Coast Guard, I can’t leave my sea going career and hop on a ship and work my way up the hawsepipe like they did long ago.
Call the NMC and ask direct questions to whom answers the phone. You’ll need to have your DD 214, and full Navy record ready for evaluation. Depending on your rate, there is a good chance for you to convert your watch time and HP experience. MPT is over priced…Check out the STAR Center. Took some classes there…top notch.