Maersk captain calls for help for migrants taken aboard

You support a statement that the Wikipedia article is wrong and therefore must be written for American consumption by confirming its accuracy in great detail. Your mental gymnastics must be impressive to young children and easily confused adults.

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OK outdated on the coal mining, not the polar bear attacks, since it even have the latest one which happened only last month.
As to “written for American consumption” that was in refr. to the fact that there are a lot of misinformation being presented, and consumed by gullible people in America. (Not all originating from Russia)

No argument there but as usual you’re proving that you can’t string more than a few sentences together without a taking swipe at America. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you’re all bad. I challenge anyone to find a more prolific source of unintentional malaprops.

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Are intentional malaprops a thing?

I don’t know, I’m not clairebuoyant…badda bing

He is a former olympic swimmer

I dont know how you concluded that he doesnt like expats, he was pointing out the current government economic policy is based on Singapore being 100% reliant on foreign companies and their capital and Singapore’s job is to supply cheap labour.

I don’t see how that changes anything.

the joke about him swimming to Singapore.
He was the first Singaporean to swim the English Channel etc.

Satire, sorry that might be over some peoples heads, its an English thing

Frug amon the many other malaprops perhaps.

no refugees arriving in Singapore.

normally used for mixed race people.
I have a friend in Malaysia and thats his nickname.

nothiong like a bit of immigration so make headlines…

Poor Polar bears. They don’t care if they are migrants or vacationers. They just want peace and quiet, and an occasional seal.

Back to the subject of those who rescue people from sinking vessels in the Med.
Here is a long and detailed article about the subject in The Guardian:

Are these people that get picked up all illiterate peasants, or could the be some Ph.D holders among them?:

It is easy to say they got into the situation voluntary by getting on un-seaworthy vessels and rafts in the first place, but is that the real, the only and the whole truth?

Yes, it is. If they didn’t pay the ferry man to get them just far enough offshore to get “rescued” we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Seize the ferry boats and sink them, fine or imprison the owners and masters of the ferries, and fly the migrants back to their home country.

Last month there was a lot of commotion about a local police officer from Alkmaar, a small Dutch town, after he arrested an unwanted stranger from Morocco. It concerned a frequent offender who appeared 579 times in the police records. “This Moroccan man had just been released and almost immediately committed another crime,” wrote the officer involved on Twitter. “I continue to find it special that we cannot put such a person on a plane to the country of origin.”

The problem is that Marocco refuses to accept their own citizens. Clever, leave those scumbags in the place they are now.

We were promised heart and brain surgeons, pharmacists, scientists and now this…

I’m sure there is an isolated stretch of beach somewhere along the coast where he can be dropped off in the moonlight. Or maybe give him a free skydiving lesson.


No it is not real. the only and the whole truth.
Did you take the time to read the articled in The Guardian?

Are you so naĂŻve that you think they would stop coming if there were no NGO vessels in the Med?
They would still come and they would still be picked up by passing merchant ships with Masters that take International Maritime Law seriously and who do not let people drown because they are “migrants” or whatever.

Surely at least some of them would? In any case they’d all stop coming if we promptly returned everyone without an approved preliminary application for asylum. That much should be obvious whether or not you think migration is a good thing, which is a subtly different issue.

Perversely, saving a few from drowning back when this started has led to a lot more people drowning now.