Looking for coastwise work near NY

Looking for work that is coastwise but not the 2 week on/off schedule. Can’t leave my other job just yet. AB, 100 ton master NC, RADAR unlimited, STCW & RFPNW. Any ideas? NY NJ CT area

Bouchard,kirby/ksea,moran,reinaur, hornbeck,penn,harley,dann(there are two companys that go by dann). All are towing companys workig the northeast and should pay 300+ for your mmc. Im sure there are more.

[QUOTE=Ambrose;86750]Looking for work that is coastwise but not the 2 week on/off schedule. Can’t leave my other job just yet. AB, 100 ton master NC, RADAR unlimited, STCW & RFPNW. Any ideas? NY NJ CT area

What schedule are you looking for? 2 for 1, or just longer than 2/2?

It would be tough right now to get off for two weeks… I really need something that is 1,2, or 3 days followed by a few days off. Probably going to be hard to accommodate.

It would be near impossible to find something like that on anything but a day boat operation.

Cross Sound Ferry has something like that. I talked to an AB a couple years ago and when I was riding the ferry. He said some guys trade time to do longer hitches but that the set up was something like 2 or 3 days.

You could try calling thorton, he owns a few boats that stay pretty local, or try buchanan when they pick back up in the springtime. I know for a fact reinauer isnt hiring, she didnt even wanna look at a friend of mines application, and he had alot of paperwork and time. Moran, same thing. The danns work 3-3, or longer so thats not going to be a option. Things are alot tighter for premium nyc tugboat jobs than alot of people realize.

There are only a few week and a week boats left in the harbor. If you want to get on anything in the harbor you will need to make a commitment.
You can try applying at American Petroleum, they run small harbor units with irregular schedules when not in the heating oil season. You can also apply at the water taxis, they have some turnover there, but the pay is shit compared to tugs.

If you are serious about getting hired take the tankerman class, Deckhands are a dime a dozen, but tankerman are harder to come by.

The schedule you’re looking for will be nearly impossible to find. Those jobs are rarer than hen’s teeth. If you’re not considering the 2-2 or 3-3 schedule, you shouldn’t be looking to get a coastal towing job. If the reason you don’t want a 2-2 or 3-3 schedule is because you have benefits that you’re afraid of losing, stay where you are. Most of the premium outfits have decent (sometimes pricey) benefit packages with varied travel allowances, but there is a long list of A/B’s waiting for a shot and they all work an equal time schedule.

Get the Barge PIC if you can, you’ll be that much more attractive as a candidate for employment. But you’re either going to have to commit to the schedule and industry or forget it. You’re not likely going to find any decent money or benefits if you limit your selections to those that fit your narrow preferences. No one is going to bend over backwards to make it easy for you, there are plenty of guys/gals that would jump on either schedule if they got the job.

I agree. I didn’t think it would be too easy. I will look into the Tankerman PIC. Since I’m not in the industry now I wasn’t sure if there was something available that would fit my schedule that I haven’t heard of. I appreciate all the responses. Thanks!!