Laugh of the Day

He is in pretty good shape for an old guy. I bet he drinks Southern Comfort.

[QUOTE=Capt. Lee;100953]He is in pretty good shape for an old guy. I bet he drinks Southern Comfort.[/QUOTE]

I think he works in Paul Prudhomme’s Louisiana Kitchen, but I could be wrong.
Say, what’s with this “old guy” stuff? :smiley:

My eyes! Need eye bleach STAT.

[QUOTE=catherder;100981]My eyes! Need eye bleach STAT.[/QUOTE]

You may go in now, your [ATTACH]3068[/ATTACH] is waiting.

[QUOTE=c.captain;100830] DELETED[/QUOTE]

C.Captain! Is that really you???

©1990 Andrew Calhoun, recorded on Hope

I’ve been in your kitchen, I’ve been in your halls
I’ll stand in your doorway and sing of my balls
My balls! My balls!
I’ll stand in your doorway and sing of my balls

Now, I’ve climbed your tall mountains and crossed your great plains
I’ve lassoed your cattle and kicked out their brains
On the sands of West Texas, where the coyote calls
I’ll stand on your badlands and sing of my balls

Now, I’ve swum all your rivers and sailed all your seas
Picked apples and peaches and harvested peas
In Northern California, where the redwood grow talls
I’ll stand in your hot-tub and sing of my balls

Now, I’ve sung at Bar Mitzvahs and other occasions,
On prize-winning floats, and at peace demonstations
Been compared to Harry Chapin, Lou Reed and Lou Rawls
I’ll stand on your stage and I’ll sing of my balls

Now, I rode with old Hannibal, when he crossed the Alps
I fought beside Blackhawk, and cut off your scalps
And with mighty Ceasar, who conquered the Gauls
I’ll stand on your windpipe and sing of my balls

Now, my song is ending, though it’s barely begun
And if I’m not well-heeled, well at least I’m well-hung
And sometimes in a rainstorm, when the Pontiac stalls
I’ll stand on the roadside and sing of my balls

[QUOTE=catherder;100434]Oh no honey I got you beat by a country mile. No peter in a pan can beat St. Peter’s Main Man.

Especially with all that gold lame, brocade, jewels and that kick-ass throne.

Wonder why he’s quitting, really?

No one appreciates your Catholic hatred. bite my lfuzzy Catholic ass, asshole.

[QUOTE=seadog6608;101961]No one appreciates your Catholic hatred. bite my lfuzzy Catholic ass, asshole.[/QUOTE]

You have company, seadog, I’m Catholic too.
Every now and then we seem to forget, this is forum for Merchant Seaman, check your politics and religion at the door.
Now, buy me a whiskey shot catherder.
Did I ever tell you about when ~~~~ oh shoot, I forgot.

[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;101972]Now, buy me a whiskey shot catherder.
Did I ever tell you about when ~~~~ oh shoot, I forgot.[/QUOTE]
That would be buy us a round!LOL!

Hey, it’s Saturday night ~


Hey, KP’ers, look at that picture.
Buttons on my shirt, belt buckle, and fly, in perfect alignment. Don’t tell me I didn’t learn something from the USMMA.

Be careful out there tonight Chief!

[QUOTE=Fraqrat;102288]Be careful out there tonight Chief![/QUOTE]

In the dark you’ll never know. Enjoy your doughnut.

Harsh words for a thread called “Laugh of the day”.

In the words of Shakespeare,“Me thinks thou dost protest too much”

Ummm, $3 billion and counting in payouts for sexually abusing children? Ratzinger was involved in covering it up.

Kwan Yin and kitties are OK, You’re not. I find it odd that you should use a slightly gay epithet as an insult…“Fuzzy?”

The application for becoming a “new” alter boy also comes with an application for a pistol permit… hhmm… now thats just a joke… calm down…

[QUOTE=Sweat-n-Grease;102274]Hey, KP’ers, look at that picture.
Buttons on my shirt, belt buckle, and fly, in perfect alignment. Don’t tell me I didn’t learn something from the USMMA.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my gig line takes the Great Circle route these days. . . .