I have a 2nd Mates Unlimited/ 1600 ton masters License which expires in 2012. I currently work as a 100 ton captain. Does anyone know if I will be able to keep my 2nd mates/ 1600 ton license even though I am on vessels of 100 tons and under & all my current sea time is on 100 ton vessels??
Here’s the CFR referenceon it.
I read this to say that as long as you get 1 year sea time and keep your necessary endorsements (i.e. RADAR) current you will be fine.
Any sea time is acceptable for renewing a license, and if yuou don’t have the sea time, you can take an at-home open book test. If your time is on vessels under 100 Tons, you won’t be able to use it to renew the STCW endorsement, you will need to take a Basic Safety Training refresher course or the original BST. You can renew the license without the radar observer being current.