As the title states, I was curious to know if it is possible to get RFPEW signed off on the Great Lakes in the engine room. Would it be worth trying to join a vessel to get it signed off, or should I just take the course instead? Any guidance in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
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I can’t remember the number of days, but taking the course reduces seatime. Also, some vessels the Captain/officers can be very weird about doing sign offs on STCW checklists…they may not want to do it on a first trip.
I’m assuming you are in SIU? I’d also just recommend down the line doing the AB/AbleSeafer Deck class in lieu of the sign off.
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Masters cannot sign RFPEW assessments.
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Simple mistake, misread his post as RFPNW.
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I assumed, but did not want OP to get wrong idea that Masters can sign.
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Thank you
Some of the licensed guys have been talking bad about STCW stuff. Hopefully my assessment doesn’t bring back war memories.
Thank you for the help regardless