I am an engineering license student at SUNY Maritime. This winter I expect to have a lot of free time on my hands. I want to use my time to the best of my ability. I have no skills at being an engineer and am about as useless as can be. I live in Astoria, Queens and am looking for an internship.
Does anyone know how I can get an internship on a SLUDGE TANKER in New York City?
Or perhaps the Staten Island Ferry?
Spending my winter in an engine room would help me gain some skills.
I have a TWIC and MMC, along with VPSD cert, and Basic/Advanced FF, Survival at Sea.
My plan is to either Winter Cadet Ship/ Intern on the Staten Island Ferry/ Intern for NY DEP Sludge Tanker.
I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.