Good Afternoon Everyone,
I’m a freshman at Maine Maritime Academy. My major is Vessel operations and Technology. This summer, students in my major are looking for a Cooperative experience in the maritime industry, typically with tug and barge companies, along with ferry companies and what not. However, I would like to Co-op with a tug/barge company over a ferry company. Does anyone know any tug and barge companies that offer a good Intern program? But since beggers can’t be choosers, if anyone knows any good ferry companies I would appreciate that as well. I have already applied to multiple but am interested in finding and applying to more as well. I have the means to travel and am very flexible with my schedule. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks!
Just pound the pavement with phonecalls to everyone you can possibly think of. This is the right time to be doing it, not in april. Google around and call port captains, operations managers, that kind of thing. HR or personnel people never really were helpful when I was in your shoes. Anytime workboat companies come visit campus go introduce yourself, and ask about any co-op oppourtunities and get business cards.
A side note is that going through that process and finding your own work taught me some valuable skills and helped me get over some anxiety I had in making phone calls to strangers, and its just one more chance to learn how to be an adult in the real world without major consequences.
Tell them you love to paint and chip rust. Its getting to that time of year.
z-drive took the words right out of my mouth.
To quote the wolf of wallstreet “pick up the phone and dial”
Just firing off Emails are for the lazy. Call call call. Be polite, be courteous but get anyone you can on the phone. If you get anyone from personnel on the phone you are already half way there.
Google tug jobs and just start dialing
I can attest to that. I love email as much as the next guy but they won’t get you any damn where in this business. PHONE CALLS. They’re the only way. Internet/Email hadn’t even been invented yet when most of these office guys started working. They just don’t respect it as a means of communication. After all, it takes a few more balls to make a phone call than it does to send an email and you don’t want them to think you’re a spineless little weasel right off the bat, do you? Let them find out you’re a spineless little weasel after you’ve been promoted to the wheelhouse!
[QUOTE=Grady18;156834]Good Afternoon Everyone,
I’m a freshman at Maine Maritime Academy. My major is Vessel operations and Technology. This summer, students in my major are looking for a Cooperative experience in the maritime industry, typically with tug and barge companies, along with ferry companies and what not. However, I would like to Co-op with a tug/barge company over a ferry company. Does anyone know any tug and barge companies that offer a good Intern program? But since beggers can’t be choosers, if anyone knows any good ferry companies I would appreciate that as well. I have already applied to multiple but am interested in finding and applying to more as well. I have the means to travel and am very flexible with my schedule. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks![/QUOTE]
Try Dunlap (they have a few guys from your MMA program), Western Towboat, Northland, Foss, Harley, and Kirby in Seattle.
Sound advice. Grady18, you listenin?
Thank you everyone for the great advice. Ill be sure to pick up the phone and make calls. I know that I’m not an extremely outgoing person so this will be a good way to get out of my comfort zone and conquer that insecurity. Ill be sure to ask more questions if I have them and let everyone know how I made out. Also, I’m absolutely open to more advice if anyone wants to add more when they think of anything. Thanks!
Sorry for the late responses I actually responded twice but it isnt showing up in the thread. But yes thank you I’ll start picking up the phone and calling these people. That’s good advice I appreciate it. I’ll let you know how I make out when I find out where I’m going. I know dunlap and hornbeck are making a campus visit tomorrow and holding interviews on wednesday, so I’ll be sure to set one up. If any of you come up with more advice I’m all ears! Thanks again this is a great site to get info.