I was interested in applying for work as a third assistant engineer on a steam propulsion LNG vessel at Höegh. I have the steam license but I haven’t used it since I got out of the academy and have sailed only on diesel. I really want to gain experience with steam plants but I am worried about taking a job on one that doesn’t have any train up prior to taking over watches. MSC was something I was interested in because they have a training period for new guys getting on the ships out of the academy but I don’t want to sail for such long periods. I don’t want to end up in a sink or swim situation on a steam vessel and I was wondering if anyone here had started out at Höegh as a third steam or even as a cadet and could share their experience.
Those ships have multiple 3rds so you most likely wouldn’t be expected to be up to speed and standing a watch on short notice. You’d probably Be working with a more senior officer he majority of the time based on what I know about those hoegh ships. Crew is 30+
[QUOTE=z-drive;126269]Those ships have multiple 3rds so you most likely wouldn’t be expected to be up to speed and standing a watch on short notice. You’d probably Be working with a more senior officer he majority of the time based on what I know about those hoegh ships. Crew is 30+[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the info on Höegh. That is what I was hoping for if I were to get on a steam ship. Would you happen to know if this is a meba/amo union job or non union?
I’d guess MEBA. Exmar is contracted with them for a few of their LNG regas ships. Can’t say for certain as I’m out of the LNG loop a bit these days.