
I’m setting up a free seminar for please boat owners (both power and sail) and am looking for any photos/videos from the wheelhouse documenting near-miss or close call situations between tugs and sail/power boats.
These would be used in a power-point presentation showing our perspective and the stress we go through. The main topics for discussion would be communication, rules, avoidance and courtesy to list a few.
All material submitted will get full credit. I really need a broad spectrum of incidents and the seminar will be presented in the Norfolk, Va. area and to various clubs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been a tug captain for many years and it’s high time the public is made aware of OUR situations.
Thanks all. Please submit to:

There should be no shortage of that, without a doubt. I’ll take my camera up with me next hitch. Where will you be offering this seminar?

We’re leaving lake Union tomorrow and I may be able to get something. I’m amazed a seaplane hasn’t clipped a kayaker yet.