i have some unbelievable sea stories about my time with “Selvic” but i guess my post ain’t gonna make it pass admin because they are more worried about getting sued by a dirtbag than letting a man speak his mind or tell the “real truth” about Selvic or any other company for that matter.
all depends wx you are a gcap admin guy or boat crew or whatever status you need to cuss, talk trash, call names, and get away with it on this site.
I have looked around for an alternative to gcaptain but there are none unfortunatley.
I would even be willing to kick a few bucks a month in to be a member of a maritime forum that is on a foreign server where you can exercise your right to free speach and talk all the trash you want to without being censored or fear of being sued (as long as you don’t use your real name that is).
I do not have the time or know how to build such a website or free forum but if anyone has a link to one that i don’t know about or anyone is willing to start one then let me know. I will kick in a few bucks to help get you off the ground.
Then i will finally be able to tell “my story” in my own words no matter the consequences or what shitbag company threatens to sue. how you gonna collect on a server with a .ru or .se web address? good luck.
I think gcaptain started out with a good thing but it has become all about the money and they “don’t need those kind of posts” on their website.
Well, sorry but the truth hurts sometimes and i can take as much as i dish out. such is the way of the world.
I will be surprised if this one makes it past admin. And even if it does I know that a hundred other fellas are gonna trash me for saying that gcaptain is not “the bomb”.
In all the times that i have gotten on gcaptain not once have i gone to any other links other than the “forums”. I can go to workboat.com, The Waterways Journal.com, Professional Mariner.com, etc, etc if i want to get industry news or read other articles.
If i want info or want to put info out there then i used to go to gcaptain forums but now that posts have to be “reviewed” before they get put up I am looking for an alternative.
I know i am not the only one that feels like this and i think that gcaptain is making a mistake in not letting guys speak their minds. Good or bad.
The threads that spin out of control always get taken down or locked out.
gcaptain should not be held responsible for any opinoins expressed by an annonomys entity posting on their site.
What ever happed to disclaimers? FTW.
It’s too bad. a good “free” forum turned out to be a PC cronney website.
just one mans opinion.
trash away gcaptain regulars.
ps sorry about the shitty “speeling” didn’t run this one through word first and the spell checker option is not working for me because again i am not a computer geek and i don’t know how to do all the advanced stuff that makes me look really smart on here
guess maybe i should have started a different thread titled “A free speach alternative to gcaptain” but again that thread would never get posted either. at one time it would have but not now. too bad.