Hello fellow seamen, could I please ask for someone to check my CV, thanks!

Hi, British AB here,

I’m looking to get back to sea…dragged my time for a little too long, have nobody to help me and struggling alot this days, please could someone check my CV i wrote and managed myself and advice me on how to improve it or if it is in decent condition, thanks alot lads, if yes, will send it to you.

Max Larsen

GOOD LORD! The things FNGs will ask…whatever will be next?

Does this kilt make my butt look fat?



Come on Cap, Help him out!!!

[QUOTE=AB Murph;147016]Come on Cap, Help him out!!![/QUOTE]

why would I want to do that and spoil my well earned reputation?


Ok, I’ll help him out.

My Brit friend, this is what I recommend: Contact a maritime recruiter in the UK (there are zillions of maritime recruiters in the UK ---- Faststream is good) and ask someone there to review and critique your CV. As an AB, your CV should not be over one page long. It should list your education, military service, seamen’s documents, maritime and safety training certificates, and past few years of employers. If you have a passport, vaccination record with current Yellow Fever, MIST, BOSIET, ITSO, etc., be sure to list those as well. A good recruiter can tell you what copies of which documents should be attached to your CV, if any. Presently, there are advertised job openings for UK seamen. You should find a job promptly Good luck.

Tug, morning

Wanted to send CV direct to somebody to check it please and give it a run through, it’s 2 pages and I also included stuff like ‘‘Tattoos; No’’, ‘‘Smoker; Yes’’, that’s the whole point of someone checking it please, maybe I’ve added bit too much, cheers.

If someone would like to check it, give me your email please, or contact me.
