Hi Guys,
Just wanted to give you the heads up that today, on this historic day of February 22, we’ve launched a new job board to gCaptain.com. We’ve had one for a while but with this new software we’re bringing it to a whole new level and pushing it on employers HARD to post their jobs (I think there are enough people on here looking for employment).
One way you guys can help us is to upload your resume. I’m sure some of you are skeptical about giving out your info but to ease your concerns, here’s what happens when you register and upload with us.
First, we don’t under any circumstances give out your details, sell your info or anything shady like that. When and if you upload your resume, it will be placed in our resume bank. The bank is searchable by employers however does not give out your sensitive date ie your name or contact info (FYI don’t put your SSN or bank info anywhere). If any employer finds your resume fits the bill for a postion, a notification will be sent to you and it is not until you confirm that your contact info can be sent to the employer does the employer receive the contact info.
So, by uploading your resume you are really helping us out because the more resumes we have, the more employers we get, the more jobs get posted, the more opportunities you have etc. etc. Here are some links so you can get started.
[B]gCaptain’s Maritime and Offshore Industry Jobs
Register as Job Seeker[/B]
Thanks for your time and continued effort in making this site the best place for professional mariners on the web. Could not do it without you!
PS - If you are already registered as a job seeker from our old board, your info should be transferred but we still would appreciate if you update your resume.
PPS - If you are an employer looking to fill a position, hit us up and we’ll get you rolling! info@gcaptain.com