Has anyone used or is using Capt. Joe’s Deck License Study Prep? If so is it good?
Yes. Easy to understand solutions for a reasonable price. Highly recommended.
I have used it studying for my Mate 500 Oceans. I recommend it, especially for studying while underway and not able to use Lapware.
Yes…the capt Joe cd is great. Don’t know what he is charging for it these days but it’s well worth it.
Capt. Joes is good. They also have Mariner Advancement.
Yes, it is good. You can print out the solutions and put them in a 3 ring binder for study and review. It has served me well. No problem recommending the program.
I used it in conjunction with…hawsepipe I think - hated the old Lapware.
It’s worth the money. I used Captain Joe’s, Hawespipe.net, Lapware and a bunch of other stuff. You may to use different programs to see what fits for you. In the end, Lapware was the ticket for me. Print out tests and bang them out everyday. Captain Joe’s solutions were a better fit for me over the other options, however, Lapware was superior for question generating. Remember to study to test not to learn. That may sound odd, but I made the mistake of trying to “learn” the material. In the end, you just need to pass the tests. After all is said and done now that I have my mates license and am sailing on it…all you’ll generally use is weather, plotting and coastal navigation. Good luck.