Does anyone know if they are are hiring Ab unlimited right now? Anyone work there that can give me a good number to call or maybe when the office will be back open?
Not a fan of Harvey but if working in the gulf try ECO or HOS or go better yet go join a union and board a tanker. I rather work with msc then working in the gulf
I got on with SIU. I need to get my passport but I am liking the time home for sure. Hornbeck and I parted ways.
I can also use this time to look over my third mate exam materials, so definitely liking the free time
Thats good I was SIU for awhile but the pay isn’t as good but you will have a job when the gulf start cutting pay so you will still make better money in the long run
Well, Less money is less taxes taken out. HB was taking 15k in 6 months for taxes(single) no kids.
It was like 115k a year but the taxes really killed it.
Anything you can tell me to watch out for? I know that what ever i say will be all over the boat as a sea story and i should not talk bad about anyone because it will find its way back to that person.
I guess I should try and fit everything in one bag. Any tips or info you can give? Is the workload as hard as the gulf? the last boat i came off was a 320 and its just rigging after rigging job. I guess since you hate the gulf SIU is better for most if not all things. I do like the fact i can work a 8 hour day if i want so i can study more.
I do have tankerman basic not pic. I also looked for jobs right now and no one seems to be hiring in the gulf at least. Is the food ok most of the time? I know that is on the cook you get and the boat but just in general.
Well since you are going deep sea and long hitches just make sure you pack for that amount of time. No store a week out in the pacific you get to get off the ship at times so it makes the long hitch easier. You can get overtime which is nice
Food is not the best it’s a 50/50 shot
I take it you are a mate or higher and went some were better. Thanks for letting me know about the food.
I’m just a lowly AB haha… but union pays overtime after 8 hrs
How many ab are on those big boats or those tankers?
I keep seeing 4h watches but does that mean you never get more then 3 hours of sleep at one time?
No, it’s 4 on 8 off or some variation of that (I’ve seen 8 & 16 and also a “European system” that’s split up into a 2 hour watch in the AM and a 6 hour watch in the evening)
If it’s not an OSV (with stipulations), a tug, or certain fishing industry vessels, you’re required to have three watch sections.