Mr Calvo,
Could you let me know what is the requirements for an OIM Unrestricted License? I presently hold a Master U/L Oceans. Would any of that time count, or basically it all starts when you step on the rig?


Capt Rob

See 46 CFR 10.470. You need:
If you do NOT hold a license as Chief Mate or Master, you need 4 years service on MODUs including at leat one year in specific supervisory positions, and 14 days of that supervisory experience has to be on surface units; OR an ABET accredited degree in engineering or engineering technology, AND

  1. A USCG approved stability course; AND
  2. A USCG approved surivival suit and survival craft course (note, the cvourse must be specifically approved to meet 46 CFR 10.470, not any STCW course will do); AND
  3. Completion of a blowout prevention program; AND
  4. Fire fighting course (the same course for STCW and licenses above 200 GRT will work); AND
  5. Recommendation from a “senior” company official.
    If you already hold a license as Master or Chief Mate, then you need 1 to 5 above and 84 days on surface untis and 28 days on botom bearing units.
    <span>James D. Cavo</span>
    <span>Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division</span>
    <span>USCG National Maritime Center</span>

James, I was not sure if holding a Master U/L prior to, helped out. looks like it does.

Thanks for the info

I hope you can answer this.

.On 19-Sept I submitted my papers for AB,to the Portland REC…The status of my application showed that it was accepted on that date…On 10-Oct. It showed that additional info was needed…
.I called the NMC and left a message…I was contacted later in the week . The person at NMC said that they were requesting my records from Oakland REC …I had gone to Oakland a few years ago when I applied for my 50 ton license…
My question is, arn’t the records from all the RECs on file, via computer? Also do the REC’s keep files there or will they all be in NMC eventually.? Should I have gone back to Oakland instead of Portland? Could I have done this differently to have avoided this delay?

Thanks in advance…

The records are not all electronic yet. They are being scanned and made electronic as they are worked on. Until you renew, upograde, etc. your file is still paper at the old REC. You’d probably only have saved a day or two by going to the REC where your file was.
James D. Cavo

Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division

USCG National Maritime Center

Quick question for Mr. Cavo,
Are you really the best person from NMC to be answering licensing questions? I thought you approved courses. Just curious.

Mr. Cavo,
Why isn’t there reciprocity vis-a-vis the validation and approval of maritime courses between countries? If the schools that lead up to a foreign Mariner’s STCW certifiicate are good enough, then why aren’t those same schools good enough for U.S. Mariners? ( and vice-versa) Is it possible we will every see this policy change?
IMHO, it’s pretty arrogant of the USCG to deem ONLY U.S. courses “good enough” for U.S. Mariners. I live abroad and there is a really nice Maritime Training Facility in my town, run and staffed by European mariners; besides a bit of cost savings on tuition there could be a big savings for me on time spent away from home and travel costs and time. But, alas, the school isn’t USCG approved, (and never will be??).
I think the DPOs should thank their lucky stars the USCG hasn’t stucks it nose into that certification, or will it?!
Thanks for any insight on this :slight_smile:

<div class=“CommentBody” id="CommentBody_3845]
<span style="color: rgb(51, 153, 102);]<span style=“text-decoration: underline;]”</span>Quick question for Mr. Cavo,</span>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 153, 102);]Are you really the best person from NMC to be answering licensing questions? I thought you approved courses. Just curious.</span>
<span style="color: rgb(51, 153, 102);]Fran"</span>

Do you see anyone else from NMC taking the time to post here?
I’d rather have James here taking the time out of his day to look things up, than to have no one that we can bounce questions off of at NMC; but then again, maybe you have a better idea.

<div class="CommentBody]
<strong><span><span>"</span>Quick question for Mr. Cavo,</span></strong>
<strong><span>Are you really the best person from NMC to be answering licensing questions? I thought you approved courses. Just curious.</span></strong>
<strong> </strong>
<strong>Do you see anyone else from NMC taking the time to post here? </strong>
<strong>I’d rather have James here taking the time out of his day to look things up, than to have no one that we can bounce questions off of at NMC; but then again, maybe you have a better idea.</strong>

You ain’t just a’woofin’, El Capitan! Mr. Cavo has assisted me on more than one occasion. I don’t get the same response from the NMC.
Quick question for Fran,
Who do you think would be the “best person” to be answering questions? is there someone else you know at the NMC that is more knowledgeable than Mr. Cavo? You seem to know what functions the NMC personnel perform. Get your “best person” to start posting here and see if he gives us better information.

Jeffrox, Sorry to rain on your parade but I’ve heard that IMO is trying to take the DP regulatory function away from IMCA and have it under their authority. IMCA is aggressively resisting. If this comes to pass you can bet that USCG will get involved when it becomes an STCW requirement. Capt. Cavo, nothing against the USCG or STCW but it just adds another layer of regulatory agencies to a training and certification program that seems to be working pretty well.

“Are you really the best person from NMC to be answering licensing questions?”

What does the Coast Guard approve courses for? Sea time, exams, and STCW.
What do you have to get for a license? Sea time, exams, and STCW.

I’ve only dealt with 2 Recs and now the NMC for the first time…I personally would like deal with Mr.Cavo full time if I had a say in it…

Looking at Frans ,Question…He asked it out of curiosity…Just like many other questions that are asked here…maybe it wasn’t meant, as some have taken it…

we love jdcavo here… even if he is with the axis of evil.
jd have you seen any wmd?

Cheng, in other words, he’s sleeping with the enemy?…

Mr. Cavo,
I remember seeing a chart in the CFR’s about Engineering license equivilants (not the structure).
It was laid out in a grid, divided into upper and lower levels.
I have been searching the online version of the CFR’s and can’t find it.
Any help?

See page 14 of the Engine Exam Guide:
James D. Cavo

Chief, Mariner Training & Assessment Division

USCG National Maritime Center

[<font color="#3354aa]</font>](

Mr Cavo…sorry…I meant James…I just received my MMD…I’m very excited …lol…I take back all the rotten thoughts of the NMC,that I’ve had for the past 3 weeks…<img alt="" src=“” />
on the back it reads…
WIPER,SD(FH) Corrective Lenses Required,ANY UNLIC DK
I applied for AB Unlimited…Did I get it?? I’ve talked to some friends that are AB Special…Their cards reads AB-Special…Is there supposed to be an unlimited after the AB on mine…? Thank you JD…

I believe “Any” means any flavor of AB and also Boatswain and Lifeboatman. What you got is what is sez on the back of my z-card and I hold a 1600Master, 2nd Mate AGT

Thank you Jeffrox,. I thought that too but wanted it spelled out…lol…I’m transitioning over from being a truckdriver and you know we arn’t very bright…

Congratulations Shellback!
Bob :wink: