Favorite Meals Aboard

My favorite meal was at the end of my cadet cruise. I stayed on for an extra 30 days, 90 instead of 60 because I was having so much fun. I was so excited about getting off the next morning I completely forgot to go to dinner. The stewards made a dinner for me and set it aside because they knew I had missed a meal. It was a simple meal but it meant a lot. They really looked out for me on that ship. It wasn’t the first time. I got really sick on the ship after a hospital visit for a burn. The burn was minor but the diseases found in the hospital were serious. But the stewards would always leave something out for me when I could get up to eat. The best part, the food was actually good, too.

Does anybody have any personal favorite Cook Books they recommend for a novice “chef”. I am looking to make a good impression on a new boat and my cooking skills are minimal. Thank god its still summer and the grill will be my best friend haha

Ralph and Kacoo’s.

If you are in the south get Calling All Cooks books 1 and 2. Great Southern food cooked from scratch. A quiche once every two weeks is nice.

OSV in the GOM
My fav is fried pork chops
Real mashed taters w/gravy
Sweet carrots
Bowl of Lima beans

Had a great cook on last boat. Just got assigned to another.

I learned to cook using the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. Nothing too fancy, just good grub prepared well and plenty of it is the key to satisfied diners. If you want to raise your game and have Internet aboard, and the raw materials available, go to www.epicurious.com

Any book from Paula Dean will work too. Arteries will be clogged and cholesterol will be sky high, but everyone will love it

I sailed with a cook couple years ago that ran a BBQ catering business in his time off kinda as a hobby plus little extra cash. Story short everyone gained weight on that hitch!

You can’t go wrong with THE JOY OF COOKING cook book.

When in doubt…put the oven on 350 degrees and check often. On the burners…start at medium heat and cook the most dense foods first. YouTube can be your best friend.

[QUOTE=Smee;78903]Does anybody have any personal favorite Cook Books they recommend for a novice “chef”. I am looking to make a good impression on a new boat and my cooking skills are minimal. Thank god its still summer and the grill will be my best friend haha[/QUOTE]

I also use the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.

It is in paperback and easy to pack.

On the menu for today is Surf & Turf, with some of the THICKEST ribeyes I’ve EVER seen! They gotta be about 2" thick!!

I’m jealous. Hope they were great. Now I’ll have to get one this week!