Effects of Hydrodynamics

I am a second year student at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. I am currently working toward a BEng (Hons) degree in Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering.

One of my current classes is Marine Hydrodynamics and Dynamics; teaching us about boundary layers, laminar and turbular flow, stream function, propellor types and various other areas associated with hydrodynamics in naval architecture.

I have recently been tasked with conducting a short presentation on the importance of Hydrodynamics on ocean research vessels.
For this presentation, aswell as what had been covered in lectures, I am looking for information about about how hydrodynamics directly effects ocean research vessels, with the information coming directly from the people dealing with it.

I am not looking for anything specific, just hydrodynamics effects ORV’s

Any DPO’s in the offshore world care to take a stab at this?