ECO Housing

Been with ECO for over 13 years and how has the housing accomadations not changed. Don’t get me wrong, I understand this is a perk, but to be a perk shouldn’t it be worth it? 13 years ago, it was it was it was considered a perk, but now, after another 40 + boats and who knows how many employees, no upgrades have been made. You go to housing for a class or crew change the next day and expected to stay in the room with someone who’s set it up like his apartment…really? Yes I’m disgruntled because I’m an officer and I remember when rank had it’s privileges. You want retention, improve small stuff like this, let alone wifi for the crew (but thts another topic). #13YearsNoChange

If you are an officer go spend a little of that loot and stay at the bayou inn for $66 a night. When I applied at ECO I walked through the barracks and said “oh hell naw”.

I did just tht, but I figured getting there at 10pm to leave @ 7am, tht would be the smartest thing to do.

[QUOTE=“dirtychief69”] I did just tht, but I figured getting there at 10pm to leave @ 7am, tht would be the smartest thing to do.[/QUOTE
Either way it doesn’t change the issue of the post. #Renovation

I slept on the couches in the crew change lounge or stayed at a hotel in NOLA and had someone driving in for cc pick me up. I got sick from mold more than once at housing.

WOW #NoDoubt

I stayed there when I was in the hiring process. I found that by asking your roommate to leave his key with you as he was departing assured that they didn’t rebook the room. I then turned in both keys when I left. Since getting hired I vowed never to return to housing in fear of catching rigor-mortise or some less fatal airborne malady. ECO offers a discount at the Best Western south of Walmart if you book thru Expert Travel. After my first experience there I wouldn’t let my dog stay at housing.

Why in the Hell do all you guys whit made up names come on this site and air out dirty laundry if you are not happy grow some freaking balls and send Mr. Gary and e-mail or Dino and use your name. License officer making how much $$$ you not happy get a hotel room quite freaking crying. I use my name because i’m not scared. If you need me to send you a Hurt feelings report let me know. also I’m at the training center come see me. Louis

First of all, Louis, I have no idea why you are even on this site, obviously you are not even a sailor in the industry, if you work at the “Training Center”. Secondly, the names used are Screen names. Lastly, I don’t need you to send me anything, the email was already sent, so sit at the “training center” behind your desk and keep the resentment you have for whatever reason to yourself.

[QUOTE=Louis;142363]I use my name because i’m not scared. [/QUOTE]

You use a first name (only), and its hardly a unique one at that. I use my full name, and include how I can be contacted.

Good for you, but I doubt anyone wants to contact you.

[QUOTE=Louis;142363]Why in the Hell do all you guys whit made up names come on this site and air out dirty laundry if you are not happy grow some freaking balls and send Mr. Gary and e-mail or Dino and use your name. License officer making how much $$$ you not happy get a hotel room quite freaking crying. I use my name because i’m not scared. If you need me to send you a Hurt feelings report let me know. also I’m at the training center come see me. Louis[/QUOTE]

You make it sound as if they should inform Mr Gary or Dino as to the condition of the housing. The issue being raised is not that anyone thinks they don’t know about the condition, it’s the fact that they know exactly what the condition is and they continue to allow the nastiness called housing not only to continue in it’s present condition but to even go so far as to promote it as a “perk” of Chouest employment. You know full and well how fast they would be fired if posting their names. The officers are making money but you seem to imply that the lowly deckhands and oilers should accept the status and be happy to have a nasty place to lie in. Maybe if they paid them a comparable wage to other companies the could afford a motel as well. I am a free market proponent and it is indeed their choice to work there, and sleep in housing, but that my friend is a big reason I chose not to work at Chouest. Free mandatory shirts don’t help paint a better picture… eventually the free market will reduce Chouest to the bottom of the labor pool. The bigger they are, the harder they fall and it usually happens when they feel invincible. I wish my friends there luck, but I am not holding my breath that they will ever be regarded as anything more than a tool.

Seems i hit a nerve Well let me tell you this MY License is up to date and I’m ready to go back offshore at anytime i’m needed. I grew up running a boat that is a skill i will never forget and i will be more than happy to go on your boat and prove it to you so obviously you don’t know me I’m still a mariner and I try to help other mariners with trying to give back to the industry but it just pisses me off to come on here and see shit like this no I never said it was a perk. BUT let me say this who else offers this to their people free housing, free meals while at school and free classes that cost several thousands of dollars no one says you have to stay there if you don’t like it, no one says you have to eat the food so if you don’t like it go somewhere else and pay to eat that is what i’m saying don’t come on here and cry about it. when this site open up it was to give useful information on training and licensing and some of the routes to take not to come on here and talk about this. SO with that said let me ask you this you JOINED GCaptain yesterday to just come say this. and I know it is your screen name if you come here for training on the side by ourself let me know who you are dirtychief69 it will stay with me but i’m looking forward to it. [QUOTE=dirtychief69;142365]First of all, Louis, I have no idea why you are even on this site, obviously you are not even a sailor in the industry, if you work at the “Training Center”. Secondly, the names used are Screen names. Lastly, I don’t need you to send me anything, the email was already sent, so sit at the “training center” behind your desk and keep the resentment you have for whatever reason to yourself.[/QUOTE]

Louis, you know as well as I do that Chouest has been talking about better housing options being built near the crew change center for many, many years. They told me how great it was going to be when I hired on. I went to stay at housing that same day and was unable to find anyone that even spoke English. It does need to be renovated to reflect Chouest’s standards of excellence. If you don’t believe me I challenge you to stay there for a week with a shipyard roommate. If you do it, post your results and prove everyone wrong. As a mariner I do appreciate the work you guys do at the training center and it is a job I would not volunteer for. That being said I ask you, Does the training center receive grants for training and does it make or loose money? If it looses money it would be the first thing I have ever heard Mr. Gary loosing money at. He seems to know how to win at everything.

The housing is pretty nasty and most of the lower level guys can’t swing the hotels. Also most if not all drill companies offer to pay for hotel, classes, and pay your day rate. It also go’s if you don’t like it let someone know. I know it sometimes goes in one ear out the other, but sometimes it might catch. The training center is a good perk even though it is hard to get into sometimes, but that is not anyone’s fault supply and demand.

let me say this who else offers this to their people free housing, free meals while at school and free classes that cost several thousands of dollars

Seacor for one. Plus they give me $150 a day while training and I get a hotel room to my self. Even the A.B.'s get hotel rooms to them selves. Plus I get actually travel pay and even time with out having to fight for it.

Sorry but sleeping with a room mate that snores, has to get up for crew change in the middle of the night, that just shows up while I have all my stuff in the room, in a clapped out porta-building that looks like it about to fall down, access to a mess hall that I’ve seen screw up breakfast, stuck down on the bayou where your only options for food are seafood, and I hate seafood, or what you can find in a gas station or fast food is not a perk.

Chouest has decent pay and great equipment but the extra benefits are severely lacking at Chouest unlike other top companies like Harvey, HOS, Seacor.

My training is paid for, we get a partial day rate while there, a better travel stipend than Chouest ( I know first hand) they take non Louisiana state taxes out, etc.

ECO gave me a start for here and I will miss DPing with three zdrives, but I am happy to have moved on.

Oh yeah, even time…

“let me say this who else offers this to their people free housing, free meals while at school and free classes that cost several thousands of dollars”


[QUOTE=Bmoore;142373]The housing is pretty nasty and most of the lower level guys can’t swing the hotels. Also most if not all drill companies offer to pay for hotel, classes, and pay your day rate. It also go’s if you don’t like it let someone know. I know it sometimes goes in one ear out the other, but sometimes it might catch. The training center is a good perk even though it is hard to get into sometimes, but that is not anyone’s fault supply and demand.[/QUOTE]

and what part of this thread has anything to do with drillers? big money apples vs. rotting cajun crawfish…

      • Updated - - -

[QUOTE=Jeffrox;142408]“let me say this who else offers this to their people free housing, free meals while at school and free classes that cost several thousands of dollars”


yeaahh! nothing quite like 4-6 weeks of free classes in between your 6-9 mos hitches.

please, please tell me they are hiring!!!

[QUOTE=Jeffrox;142408]“let me say this who else offers this to their people free housing, free meals while at school and free classes that cost several thousands of dollars”


It’s certainly not any of the companies that pay more, offer better benefits, better 401k matching, internet access, better travel benefits, not treating their employees as tools,… Nope, not anyone else. You got me there boss. Don’t forget free mandatory shirts that you can be fired for not wearing… Gosh, maybe I should put in an application after all.

30 bucks a day extra in pay is 7k + a year. Buy my own classes and stay at a nice hotel at the beach while doing it. Life is good! Ain’t no such thing as free… That’s a suckers bet every time.