You need to go to Horryrood son…your talents are being wasted writing such gold for the cretinous bottom dwellers here. I’ll be happy to be your agent…I only ask to take 60%
anyway give us the next episode…I want to hear how I sanitize all the unwashed and bring lasting world tranquility for those few short years before the alien invasion occurs.
C.captain the White House years is the final four volumes in the series. It covers the oilfield nationalization and RICO trial of the bayoo mafia. The war of words with Canada over illegal drug trafficking. Apparently Clinton’s NAFTA super highway has made it easier for the cartels to pipeline their product straight to the north. Couple that with your lax border policies and you have central and South American truck drivers running dope straight to the northern border. This leads to militarization of the Great Lakes. The new nuclear ice breakers you have the navy build become the first line of defense in the war on drugs. It comes at a price as the Canuck navy sinks one and pollutes all the Great Lakes. This completely kills the maritime sector up north. The only good that comes from this is the giant radioactive cloud that turns Quebec into a wasteland. Also covered is your bill turning KP into a regimented school of music and arts. Top graduates are recruited into the clandestine services. They scatter the globe as sleeper agents hidden in the worlds orchestras and symphonies. All this as the economy implodes around you because you have cranked up the printing presses to give money away. Hyperinflation has the middle class and rich out to get you. You nationalize all police departments and institute the FMEA zones around the country. Now all natural born citizens are in forced reeducation camps and all refugees are free to roam. The entire country goes berserk more refugees pour into the country and destabilize everything further. At the same time the Chinese decide to strike. You can’t let your childhood home fall under ChiCom rule. You militarize the whole pacific coastline annexing northern Mexico and Western Canada all the way to Alaska. Your pacfleet is over run as all your carriers only have LCS’s for protection in their battle groups. You’re now tied up in a protracted land war for the western states. Omar has reared his two faced head again. He turned all of his refugee labor force into fifth columnist who now rise up to side with the chicoms. You now activate the KP sleeper agents around the globe to create uprisings in target nations. You continue on as a man of the people as everyone is dependent on the government now and they all bow and scrape in your presence. Now the reeducated citizens are released back into the population but have all been forcefully drugged into submission. They now return to their lives in a doped up stupor unaware of what’s really happening in the world. You control all the media and have the country thinking all is well. You feel pretty good about how you’re running things and decide it’s time for hookers and blow in the White House. Volume two will cover your impeachment trial and nearly successful military coup.
I don’t know how you have managed to penetrate into my brain like this? All my devious plans exposed for all the world to know! Have you had agents plant a device in my head which gives you access to my every besotted thought? That would explain all the voices I hear late at night as I drink myself into a mind numbing stupor. And to think that this all started with a simple dream to level KP with a semitruck filled with highly explosive Brasso but over time that was not triumph enough for the megalomaniac laying dormant deep within. All must be destroyed before the world can be rebuilt in my own socialist proletarian image!
you did however miss in your prescient narrative how I channel the ghost of Eugene Debs and invite a resurgent IWW into my cabinet to fill secretaries of Commerce, Interior, Labor, the Treasury and Defense. Service members will be unionized with strike authority against the military brasshats. If they don’t like a particular war or aren’t getting enough quality time with family…that can tell Admiral J. Boss, USN to go fuck himself and leaving every LCS without a single stooge aboard. All the squids then head to a sleazy bar with the tab paid by the union patrolman! Since I am going to declare maritime law throughout the land, the position of MarAd Administrator will be elevated to a level of Czar answering only to me. Congressmen or anyone for that matter who oppose the Jones Act will be sent to a Gulag labor camp somewhere near Dulac or Butte Larose, LA.
all will bow, scrape and grovel before my greatness! I’ll give everybody treats as they do! If you don’t then you become good friends with the iron pointy stick!
from now on I wish to be referred to as “c.generalissimo” thank you so much…
Now in your haste to help the little guy you have gone drunk with power. You’ve trampled the little guy and completely undone the fabric of society. The military is turning on you even your secret service detail. You have shredded the constitution and rule strictly by executive order. This way you can unilaterally create a law when you feel like it. You have an agenda to solve all the worlds problems and can’t be bothered with congress jamming you up. One of your many executive orders is disbanding the increasingly untrustworthy secret service. You completely surround yourself with sycophants from the new KP guard. Your enemies tremble in fear at the sight of KPG agents. You’ve created quite a cult on campus with four years of govt brainwashing. They will all gladly die for you. Before it’s all over many will indeed perish at the altar of the greater good. The last few brave souls in congress start impeachment proceedings. The list of crimes range from running your own bunga bunga ring to running a secret prison on Grand Isle. You dispatch KPG agents to silence your detractors and coerce any and all witnesses into proclaiming your supreme innocence. A plot by the joint chiefs to overthrow you is foiled by none other than admiral Kenneth R Force. His reeducation and eventual appointment to joint chiefs pays off in spades. One of your lesser known executive orders was creating US Dept of Merchant Mariners. A fully recognized branch of the armed forces with the NOAA officers corp making up most of the brass. Admiral Force had been tortured into submission in your Grand Isle prison. He has total blind obedience to you. He detonates a bomb disguised as a sousaphone inside the joint chief meeting room. He sacrifices himself to take out all coconspirators in one glorious moment. You now install KPG regimental commanders as the heads of each branch of the armed forces. Meanwhile the Canadians are awfully ticked at you. They decide to accept help from the Russkies and start a war in the north. Unbeknownst to most everyone at KP is the super secret special ballet operations group. You have been secretly infiltrating the Bolshoi right under Pootins nose. You now have the infrastructure and network in place with the orchestras and ballets inside Russia to pull the trigger on another of you master plans. Volume three is the war with Russia also know as operation Ride of the Valkyries.
but then as the forces allied against my rule draw closer to my command bunker aboard some rotten old Lykes Lines breakbulk in the Beaumont Reserve Fleet, I send out the signal to my Kamikaze KP Sycophant Suicide fanfare trumpet squadrons to set off their instruments…
but not before I made good bugging out in my bathyscape pod
I always will live to fight another day…it is my destiny!
eat shit and die FraqBond! You are no match for my cleverness and cunning! HAH!
When this becomes a book and movie I want my cut for starting it with two simple sentences! You guys are killing me! Sad thing is that this is surely about where we are headed minus the KP part.
This is for sure the best thing I’ve herd all day, I’m dieing
[QUOTE=captaint76;142043]When this becomes a book and movie I want my cut for starting it with two simple sentences! You guys are killing me! Sad thing is that this is surely about where we are headed minus the KP part.[/QUOTE]
for that you get .00002% of the gross…that is if we remember to send the check. Don’t be holding your breath or anything like that.
[QUOTE=Mate_Zac;142044]This is for sure the best thing I’ve herd all day, I’m dieing[/QUOTE]
these are the kind of men you will be working with…are you sure you want a maritime career afterall? More importantly. are you sure you want to go to KP? It is shaping up to be ground zero of the coming Armageddon although you could pick up a very nice gift bag filled with lovely designer cosmetics if you choose to join the band and become one of my secret minions.
I’m a conservative in my opinions myself so in that respect it’s okay but I might be able to play a mean sax in your KPG Band haha!
maybe ok for you…
but I might be able to play a mean sax in your KPG Band haha!
only if you can pack 20 kilos of Semtex into it and be able to detonate your charge by blowing a resounding high E flat note.
we’ll see who says haha then…now shall we?
This is turning into one of the most disturbing threads yet.
[QUOTE=LI_Domer;142054]This is turning into one of the most disturbing threads yet.[/QUOTE]
well as the great Hunter S. Thompson once penned…
and we know we are all professionals here,at least, I certainly am!
HST is an American treasure. - Dr Johnson
who on earth is Dr.Johnson?
You are no follower of HST if you dont know who Dr Johnson is.
He is in the same category as Raoul Duke.
[QUOTE=Bayrunner;142060]You are no follower of HST if you dont know who Dr Johnson is.
He is in the same category as Raoul Duke.[/QUOTE]
I shall edumacate myself…
In your never ending quest to help the little guy you decide to do all the thinking for him. Now that you have passed an executive order banning that pesky constitution nothing stands in your way. You have disbanded congress, done away with the Supreme Court and banned all religion. You have appointed yourself Grand Admiralisomo after having a vision that you are a god sent from the heavens to save mankind. In your mind you are now judge, jury and executioner for the entire world. The Russians and Canadian forces are massing in the north so you decide to strike south first. You need to shore up your rear so you call out for all refugee citizens loyal to you. Your govt backed refugee army blitzkriegs central and South America. You claim all these lands as American territories. You set up a fiat monetary system know as the Pan-American dollar. Now all these countries must pay tribute to you. Instead of paying a wage all citizens must work for food and shelter which is provided by your benevolent govt. Their tribute is food, armament, and other supplies or the war effort. Free market ideals give way to a full war economy. The only thing to feed this beast is more global conflict. The world powers think they are all sovereign nations doing what’s in their best interest. In reality our govt has been setting up a global panopticon of all seeing eyes and ears. In your previous life as a dedicated liberal democrat you proudly believed in see something say something. Little did you know this was all a set up to condition everyone to rat on each other. Slowly but surely more surveillance equipment was set up all over the world. From red light cameras “to catch moving violators” to the very cellphone in your pocket. You now have constant stream of data to feed your computers. This in turn leads to minority report style precrime predictions. You can arrest those no good antigovernment shit disturbers before they agitate the masses. You can send KGP hit squads to make them disappear in the middle of the night. Armed with all this info you realize the tide is turning against you at home. Your citizens aren’t drinking the kool aid anymore. Your new refugee army has no loyalty to the old govt. You send them out to keep “peace” on the streets. You control the airwaves now. There are only two choices a 24 hour “news” channel or a 24 hour Xena Warrior Princess channel. Both options are secretly transmitting subliminal messages of total obedience right into people’s brains. Fresh off your defeat of the chicoms you take a victory lap to show the little people you still care for them. Now that you have neutralized all threats at home and behind you it’s time to look north. You start with a little subterfuge with backing from the UN and impose a maple syrup embargo. The new security council consisting of Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil, Nicaragua and Argentina pass a unanimous vote. The russkies have been reinforcing the Canadians and are now fully dug in for a long fight. It’s now time for operation Valkyrie. This is a two front operation. Your chosen weapon comes in the form of a deep cover KPG agent. He is a world renown triangle player in the Moscow philharmonic. He’s none other than commander Kenny Force III. He has been manipulating local groups into a violent overthrow of the oppressive Pootin regime. These people are hell bent on having a democratically elected govt of the little people by the little people and for the little people. You know this will never work because the average person is to dumb to think for themselves. They need a benevolent soul to shepherd them but you stoke the fires of democracy for your own gain. The time to strike is during a joint performance of the nutcracker. Half the orchestra are KPG agents armed with explosive instruments. The spec ballet ops team assassinates Pootin and slips out the back. The other agents detonate their instruments during the ensuing chaos. This is the spark that was needed for the masses to rise up and take control of their lives. This was a two pronged attack. You weren’t finished with the chicoms. The same scenario was playing out in Beijing. You have now facilitated the violent overthrow of two regimes. With your guidance they will be fledgling versions of the free Americas you now hold in your kind and gentle hand. The Russians withdraw from Canada to go home and the Canadians fall in line. You annex Canada and set up FMEA regions to tighten your grip on the entire continent. It is all as you have foreseen it. You are the messianic supreme leader the world has been waiting for. You welcome home commander Force and what’s left of his team with a huge national holiday. You appoint him regimental commander of homeland security and propaganda. You decide to take some me time and clear your head. You concentrate on making a west coast getaway fit for a god. You have your KPG engineers plug Mt St Helens and build a new luxurious Mt Olympus. An unexpected visitor catches you off guard and will turn your life upside down. She will prove to be your downfall. Lucy Lawless shows up at New Olympus and falls to her knees proclaiming her undying love for you. The fourth and final installment is a story of lust, betrayal and death.
You should write for commiewood Fraq!
Lemme guess that NOW we have to pay for the last part?
Sneaky bastard…
come on Fraq…you ain’t gonna get off now leaving us hanging like this.
we must know how Xena brings me down and crushes my alternating benevolent and tyrannical rule? do I end up sleeping in dumpsters but more importantly, do I get to have my manly ways with “THE” woman first?
actually, I am more interested to know if she has her womanly ways with me!