Rumor is AMO has been sending education bills to ex members who have left the union.
Good luck getting money out of anyone.
Good luck with that holding up in court. You know someone will take it that far. Billed for a few courses…that could be a few thousand dollars they are wrongly trying to coerce out of people. When I took classes there, none of the disclaimers said anything about remaining in the union (they probably do now, especially those DP classes). Any more news on the Bethel impeachment? Guess that’s a good lesson in not pissing off your employees…never know who won’t allow themselves to be walked all over…
[QUOTE=NewEngr;138873]Guess that’s a good lesson in not pissing off your employees…never know who won’t allow themselves to be walked all over…[/QUOTE]
EMPLOYEES? They are supposed to be a UNION for Christ’s sake and representing their rank and file to the employers yet we all know that is not how the AMO operates. With that cabal, you are as much as a serf beholden to that Mafia gang as to Joe Boss! Unless you are one of the good footsoldiers who never say a good against the famiglia, then you cash out with close to seven figures and get to keep working! EFFING BUNCH OF SCUMSUCKING ASSHOLES…ALL OF EM!
Bethel, Leonard, Gremelsbacher, Murdock, et all.
Haha! I accept AMO for what it is…and their “members” are nothing but employees (though I was referring to certain elected officials as employees). Been there, done that with AMO…left for the rigs a while ago.
And you forgot to denote Sacco in reference to your picture. Sacco = Joe Pesci?..or Robert De Niro? Bethel isn’t smart enough to be De Niro…
[QUOTE=NewEngr;138877]And you forgot to denote Sacco in reference to your picture. Sacco = Joe Pesci?..or Robert De Niro? [/QUOTE]
OH NO! Sacco is Marlon Brando
you can call him “The Don”…
I’m one of the old amp members who left afew years back. I remember getting updates on the pension, mine was like 8000 after 7 years, lol.
Crap I accidentally hit send before finishing, anyway the point I was trying to make was can I get that pension money back or is that lost forever?
Heard that AMO is giving those guys a month to pay or they will turn it over to a collection agency.
I have recently received a bill from them. I left over 3 years ago. I would appreciate anyones experience with this if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
I left a long time ago as well, but as I remember, they never really produced any contractual agreement at the time I took classes (i.e. nothing like “you agree to work for us for X years for this class to be free (which your employer paid for anyway in their safety & education contributions)”) Somehow I doubt this will go anywhere once someone pays an attorney $500 to call the union and tell them they are representing John Doe (ex) Union Member… Simple solution, if they are indeed turning anything over to a collection agency, you as the accused have the right to request official policy letters in effect of the time you attended classes. Under penalty of perjury, they have to provide them true and dated to that effect. Granted, AMO has never followed the law to a T, though I’m not sure they would want to escalate this into the spotlight. Then again, elections are upcoming, and this could be a great sales tactic to the membership…“look, those who left the union for bigger and better things are now paying back the funds they “stole” from you!!!” Just make sure to vote for Paul Doell - Tugboat Tommy’s stooge and spy during the last election. Wait, he had a change of heart…