Drug Test/Physical in Seattle or Anchorage Area?

Hey forum members,

Getting ready to submit my application while traveling. Has anyone tested in the Seattle or Anchorage area recently? If so any recommendations for “one-stop” labs for USCG 5-panel drug tests and physicals that meet all the requirements of the USCG for mariners? I found a few using the NMC online directory but I would like to hear which ones you guys used and recommend, particularly if they offer both the physical and the drug test. Thanks for your time.

I used Concentra for my last upgrade.

I believe we use health force or workforce not sure which name it is for our physicals in Seattle they are downtown close to MITAGs

I also used Concentra 4 months ago for an original application. One-stop shop and knows the NMC’s process.

I think I’ll go with Concentra. Checked out there website and seems like a good place just south of Seattle. Concentra doesn’t show up in the top 15 of the NMC’s directory. Thanks everyone, this is exactly the kind of help I needed.

If you don’t already know, you can download the USCG physical form online and bring it with you to the Dr. If you already know, disregard.

Already got it printed and my portion filled out. I’ve been ready to go. I’ll be in WA in August.

Hey guys, can’t locate a Concentra in Seattle? Closest one is in Portland. Any help?

How much was the drug test? The place I am talking to is quoting me $149 for just the drug test… thats a little steep no?

Cheapest drug tests in most states including Seattle and Anchorage are at PrivateMed Labs. You sign up and pay online and tell them which lab you want to pee at. They also do every kind of blood tests very cheap compared to hospitals and clinics.

In Anchorage the largest physical provider is Beacon (apparently affiliated with Work Safe). In Seattle I have had most of my physicals at Work Safe. The yellow pages are full of “occupational medicine” clinics.