Hi, Gents!!!
I’m interested in starting the career of engineer in oil and gas industry. I have the compleet pack of marine engineer certificates and diplomas. By some sourses I know that for making easier the applying for the position of Engineer on board the DP vessel it is preferrably to obtain DP Maintenance certificate as well.
So I’d like to ask you all, gentlemen, for the advices!
What kind of training centre to choose as almost all of them are related to a specific DP System? On one hand I’ve got Kongsberg training centre. it is said that it is quete well known and appreciated. BUT they provide let’s say - the courses related to kongsberg manufectured systems. what if the system onboard is different fron kongsberg - thic diploma is no more taken into consideration?
What kind of thin the employers need when they are asking for “DP Maintenance”?
I’ll appreciate any answers and advices from your side. Thanks in advance!
Please define what you think “DP maintenance” is. Then maybe I can help more. Also, I’ll assume you are a marine engineer and will apply for an asst. Or chief engineer position.
It sounds like you’re asking about the electronics side of things and vessel management system. As an a/e offshore your involvement in this is minimal, other than knowing when there is a problem and knowing what the Electronic Tech. Is doing. In my opinion Kongsberg is easy to learn and make changes to the VMS, the ABB system not so much. You will also need to know the power management, frequency drive, and thruster mechanical systems. But if you have shipboard experience these things will come easy.
[QUOTE=ENG.207;142102]Please define what you think “DP maintenance” is…[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your replying.
I’ll try to explain. First: about DP Maintenance.: all the job offers I saw on various sites/forums/etc. require from the engineering personel DP Maintenance. I realise that DP Maint course is to deal with mulfunctionig of the DP system, tracking the faulty units and so on. But actualy I must say - it doesn’t matter that much what I think DP Maintenance is, but what matters is what the employer wnts to have when he es asking for yhe DP Maintenance certificate.
- DP CHENG Preferred with DPM
- 2ND ENG Preferred with DPM
- ETO Preferred with DPM
For the rest - the questions are the same - let’s say - Kongsberg training center offers DP Maintenance course (ralated to their DP System). If I pass that one, does it mean I could Answer to the emplyuer’s question about DP Maintenance certificate - “YES, I Have it”? and what, if the employers DP system is different from Kongsberg.
Concearning power management, frequency drive, thruster mechanical systems: For example - the same Kongsberg centres offer K-Chief 700 training course - and that one is how to deal/mantain the power management system - but after reading the course symmary I understood - that after having several years of experience on conventional ships - it is just a coputerised version power management.
Just to make myself clear one more time: Of course I understand - having the wholla range of all available courses is much more preferable for the employer and raising the employee’s chances and widespreading his knowledge but what I’m trying to find out (with your very kind help) is what the employer wants when requiring from the employee “the DP Maintenance”. (and that is just because of the lack of experience in this industry). yes - I’d like to increase my chances to brake through into offshore industry by obtaining the certificate which is most commonly required.
Thanks a lot for your help and information, Mr ENG.207. hope to hear from you soon! Kind regards!
[QUOTE=ENG.207;142102]Please define what you think “DP maintenance” is…[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your replying.
I’ll try to explain. First: about DP Maintenance.: all the job offers I saw on various sites/forums/etc. require from the engineering personel DP Maintenance. I realise that DP Maint course is to deal with mulfunctionig of the DP system, tracking the faulty units and so on. But actualy I must say - it doesn’t matter that much what I think DP Maintenance is, but what matters is what the employer wnts to have when he es asking for yhe DP Maintenance certificate.
- DP CHENG Preferred with DPM
- 2ND ENG Preferred with DPM
- ETO Preferred with DPM
For the rest - the questions are the same - let’s say - Kongsberg training center offers DP Maintenance course (ralated to their DP System). If I pass that one, does it mean I could Answer to the emplyuer’s question about DP Maintenance certificate - “YES, I Have it”? and what, if the employers DP system is different from Kongsberg.
Concearning power management, frequency drive, thruster mechanical systems: For example - the same Kongsberg centres offer K-Chief 700 training course - and that one is how to deal/mantain the power management system - but after reading the course symmary I understood - that after having several years of experience on conventional ships - it is just a coputerised version power management.
Just to make myself clear one more time: Of course I understand - having the wholla range of all available courses is much more preferable for the employer and raising the employee’s chances and widespreading his knowledge but what I’m trying to find out (with your very kind help) is what the employer wants when requiring from the employee “the DP Maintenance”. (and that is just because of the lack of experience in this industry). yes - I’d like to increase my chances to brake through into offshore industry by obtaining the certificate which is most commonly required.
Thanks a lot for your help and information, Mr ENG.207. hope to hear from you soon! Kind regards!
Got your PM. I’ll reply here so maybe others can help too. Here is the Job example:
- DP CHENG Preferred with DPM
- 2ND ENG Preferred with DPM
- ETO Preferred with DPM
I’ll be honest, I’ve never heard or seen a job with the “DPM preferred.” Then again, I hired on years ago and haven’t applied to another job since. In my experience, I would say the Kongsberg Course (for example) would be a good thing for you and they would consider you for the position regardless of the DP system they operate with. So yes, I think you could answer “yes” to their question of do you have the DPM Cert.
Having said that, I haven’t seen the course description for DPM so I’m not exactly sure what it entails. But like you say: DPM course is to deal with mulfunctionig of the DP system, tracking the faulty units and so on. We have done that over the years without having done the course thru the use of the equipment manuals and experience of the Electronic Technicians. Could it be that the jobs requiring DPM don’t have ETs on board and the Engineers are required to maintain/repair the DP Systems?
Post any more questions you have and I’ll try to help. Best of luck!
thanks Mr ENG.207, for you kind answers! (looks like I still have the problem with posting the messages on the thread so I double them in PM)
Hereby I’ll attach the course description from Kongsberg site.
After the course the successfull participant are able to:
• Identify and exchange faulty units with spares from stock
onboard to bring the K-Pos system back into operation
• Perform correct periodic maintenance
• Communicate with Kongsberg Maritime service
personnel when assistence is needed
Electrical/electronic engineers (ETO) and maintenance
personnel onboard who are responsible for the periodic
maintenance of the K-Pos system.
General knowledge of electronics and computer-based
control systems.
• Introduction to DP technology and principles
• System arrangement, DP class requirement
• Cable layout own vessel
• General information, sensors, position reference systems,
thrusters, power
• Main functions and practical use
• Operator station, function, backup/restore, alarm system
• Process station, function, system interface, network,
practical exercise
• Preventive and corrective maintenance
The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons
and practical exercises. During the first part of the course
participants will be taught DP principles and basic operation to better understand the purpose of the system and
its peripheral equipment. Each participant will have his own
operator station. The main part of the course will focus on
technical aspects and fault finding. The technical bridge in
the training centre will be used for the practical exercises,
during which the class will be divided into two groups.
/ DURATION 5 days
Course deals only with
K-Pos technology, not the
earlier ADP or SDP
So what will be your opinion about that.
May be the next question will be way too general - but if there are any chances to brake through into offshor industry? what are the most important certificates/licenses/diplomas that will increase the chances to be employed?
thanks one more time for your answers!
If you take the Kongsberg class, try to take the SDP and not the K-pos. The K-pos is plug and play where as the SDP is more about the electronics.
All the major vendors do dp maintenancecourses.
There is no imo or Nautical institute criteria yet but are working on it.
For a non dpo you needed to learn the basics of how dp works, sensors ( thats the same for all) all about serial data, how and what a plc does things, when to identify a dpo cock up versus a dp fault.
I agree with the comment unless you are joining a kpos vessel do the sdp or converteam or L3.
I cant speak about the rest.
Outside of the Usa imca compliant contracts say somebody on board needs to have done a maintenance course.
If you go to a course also ask if you will get time on their dp simulator as well.
Thank you grents for your advices!
As long as I know this K-Pos system is more modern than SDP - so the question is - which certificate will be more attractive for the employer?
the training includes 2 days of DPO training as well to make participants familiar with the DPO job as well.