Does anybody know of any boat jobs/companies in the Tampa area that allow you to go home every night?
I don’t know of any other as besides the Marine Response company. Tugs or other vessels would be fine with me, just curious
Does anybody know of any boat jobs/companies in the Tampa area that allow you to go home every night?
I don’t know of any other as besides the Marine Response company. Tugs or other vessels would be fine with me, just curious
I thought the harbor tugs were day/night shift 12 hour boats.
They are, but you have to wait for some to die for a position to open up. Good luck.
Marine towing in tampa is looking for mates. Im pretty sure its in there website.
They might be looking for mates but their website says not hiring any positions at this time.
Marine towing of tampa is looking for a mate by June 2015. Its in bright green letters at the bottom of the first page on the website. I don’t know why I’m helping you if youre to dumb to read a little before commenting.
Hey Dirty you must have gotten denied by them? Seems like you have sour grapes.
[QUOTE=acesouthcoast;161528]Marine towing of tampa is looking for a mate by June 2015. Its in bright green letters at the bottom of the first page on the website. I don’t know why I’m helping you if youre to dumb to read a little before commenting.[/QUOTE]
I’ve always wondered what they pay…I swear I have heard its low, but you can’t go on old info. I wonder how it stacks up to similar work elsewhere, not ATB’s or wire boats.
Thanks for the responses, anybody got any comments about Marine Response? (Spills)
Yea it would be interesting to know. I almost put an application in but you have to live within driving distance. I would assume low. Nice equipment from what I’ve seen.
I work with some captains and mates from marine towing and I don’t believe it’s a day job. It’s 14/14. I think starting mate pay is somewhere around 300 a day.
Yes I am most definitely an idiot-but I do read on occasion and it seems their site contradicts itself. I found the posting you were referring to and the one I was referring to which clearly states-'Mate-Sorry, no positions at this time.' Quit being an asshole.
Hey go fuck yourself.
the joy of anonymity strikes again. I so admire the bravado of people hiding behind clever monikers on G-Captain. Usually it’s a result of someone that was picked on as a kid and has serious self esteem issues. How bout you bud? Were you picked on as a tot?
Hey i cant help it if your reading comprehension is at 3rd grade level.
You’re pathetic.
Thanks for all the informative input!!
I am? But i know how to read and thats more than you can say.