Crowley 650 ATB's Engineers

Good morning!
What’s the day to day for the engineer on the 650’s?
What’s the required engineer license to sail as engineer?
Will you be trained on that particular vessel or figure it out once you get on board? lol
Are you the sole engineer or you have a unlicensed engineer with you as well?
What’s the day rate and rotation?
Do you get a paid day for crew change travel?
Do you share living quarters?
What’s the cargo transporting and runs?

I’m just curious to know these things before i pursue!

Thanks guys!

You should contact crowley recruiting, they would be best able to answer all these questions accurately. I’m sure they are desperate for people and would be happy to talk to you.

Maybe someone with more recent experience on the 650s can chime in and correct me but to answer a few of your questions:

rotation should be roughly 28-30 on/28-30 off

engine department typically consists of a chief, assistant, and dde

chief day rate is likely high 700s, assistant should be mid to high 600s, dde should be high 500s maybe low 600s.

full days pay traveling to and from the ship.

union is SIU.

cargo is petroleum. run could be up and down the west coast, back and forth across the gulf, or even up the east coast.

I sent you a private message. I can answer your questions.

  • You get in your hole and work.
  • DDE unlimited
  • You better train yourself
  • You’re on your own for 12 hours a day.
  • 30/30, $600/DDE $650/Assistant
  • 1/2 your day rate a day for travel
  • 650 is the barge class so it depends on the tug, but yes for some.
  • Depends on the boat.
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they’re only paying half day for travel now?

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650 for an assistant is a bit on the lower side. Anyone know what a chief is getting? Edit: i see the post above. If chiefs are only in the mid 700s thats low too.


Chief Unlimited, Limited or DDE working as a chief for mid 700s? Maybe they get o.t or some type of bonus to increase take home? I was under the impression that Crowley paid chiefs better than that too…

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Not too hard these days for a dde to find mid 700s working on an old wire boat that in theory is simpler equipment than a modern ATB.

I re-read the post above. It says high 700s, and SIU. Wonder if the IBU boats make more than the SIU? Gotta be close, if not it would cause conflict i would think.

I would think a chief on the crowley atbs needs a chief limited minimum. Not sure if their bigger units require an unlimited license?

These rates are not correct. I won’t speak for Crowley in a public forum, but I’m happy to answer any and all your questions about pay, benefits, and rotations on Crowley and Fairwater’s ATB fleet(s). Please send me a PM and I’ll share my phone number and email address with you.

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Screenshot_20240418_150844_Gallery (1) (1)

Current Crowley SIU tug wages, plus add 2% wage increase.

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Any idea if the IBU engineers are more, less or the same?

Those rates are for the CPRS fleet, not the ATB fleet.


In the ATB fleet(s) the SIU and the IBU are paid the same. (edited to add that I am referring to Crowley ATBs)


I posted these last year. No longer current, but the best I can do for you bud.


I cannot understand why the unions do not post all their contracts to show everyone what a “great job” they are doing for their members.

The day rates certainly are talked about. They are not a secret.

Nor can I understand why the companies, especially union companies, are not posting their pay rates. It’s one of the first things prospective new employees ask, and a frequent topic of conversation for current employees with outsiders.

There is also a lot of out of date misinformation circulating. Some of it discourages people from making a call.

It’s in everyone’s interest to have current accurate info.

Whenever anyone is not forthcoming with pay info, that is a huge red flag.

A few minutes ago I got a job offer, or alternatively a request to recommend someone for the job. On average, I get about one of these calls per week. Most of the calls are from owners, marine ops managers, port captains, captains wanting a relief, and other people that I have worked with before. I rarely get calls from HR folks. Last winter I was getting some calls from outside recruiters, but those have dried up.

Money isn’t everything, but it’s a good start.

I wish that there was an employment site like eBay where I could have employers actively bidding for my services.


@Steaksauce. 5% increase is a pathetic joke.

At least 10% per year (with a minimum of $1000 for captains) over the contract period is needed.


Damn right money isn’t everything…that 750 contract is closer to the mark.

Joe blow mudboat chief doesn’t have to work too hard to find 1000 a day, and a mudboat assistant doesnt have to look too hard to find 850. I feel a chief on a big atb like that should be getting 1k a day if not more. An assistant should be around 850. Unless you have really competent tankermen that barge alone can keep you busy I would think.

But then again, a job at crowley is most likely more stable than a job on a mudboat. At least in the long run it is. There is the free union insurance/pension too which counts for a lot to some.

I personally would avoid anything thru the SIU, but that’s me.

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I just got hired on with them and was told it’s a full day coming and going.


Most of the PNW and Alaska companies pay a full day coming and going. The best companies pay full day rate door to door, especially for long hitches.

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